In case you're not aware of it yet,  Linux (and other UNIX operating systems)
are not 'binary file compatible' with Microsoft products (including Windows

You should always 'dump' your database contents (using mysqldump) before
'moving' the data to build another database (unless you're moving between
identical systems,  and you've already 'shutdown' the MySQL program)

How did you copy/move the files from the Linux system to the Windows 98
machine ?
    - If you used FTP,  did you make sure that you were in 'text' mode ?

Augusto Cesar Castoldi wrote:

> I tried to put the data (.frm, .ISD and .ISM files) of my Linux into
> windows 98 put I can't use the data. When I open phpadmin2, he show how
> many registrys I have, but When I try to use/list the table is empty. Can
> I solve this problem? I need to use mysqldump to put the data into windows
> 98?
> thanks,
> Augusto

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