Hello claudio,
This is the MySQL version. mysql> status
mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.57, for Win32 (ia32)Connection id:          1
Current database:
Current user:           root@localhost
SSL:                    Not in use
Using delimiter:        ;
Server version:         5.1.57-community MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Protocol version:       10
Connection:             localhost via TCP/IP
Server characterset:    latin1
Db     characterset:    latin1
Client characterset:    latin1
Conn.  characterset:    latin1
TCP port:               3306
Uptime:                 27 min 22 secThreads: 1  Questions: 4  Slow queries: 0  
Opens: 15  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 8  Queries per second avg: 0.2
 I have attached the My.ini file herewith. I could not get the "show variables" 
full output. mysql> show variables;
| Variable_name                           | Value
| auto_increment_increment                | 1
| auto_increment_offset                   | 1
| autocommit                              | ON
| automatic_sp_privileges                 | ON
| back_log                                | 50
| basedir                                 | C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL 
Server5.1\                                                  |
| big_tables                              | OFF
| binlog_cache_size                       | 32768
| binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates | OFF
| version                                 | 5.1.57-community
| version_comment                         | MySQL Community Server (GPL)
| version_compile_machine                 | ia32
| version_compile_os                      | Win32
| wait_timeout                            | 28800
| warning_count                           | 0
278 rows in set (0.00 sec)mysql> Actually, shared memory and nt pipes are 
protocols can be used locally with windows. But TCP can be used locally and 
remotely with windows. Thanks.SIVASUTHAN. Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2012 20:36:28 +0200
Subject: Re: Shared memory protocol can not be accessed in windows
From: claudio.na...@gmail.com
To: nsivasut...@live.com
CC: mysql@lists.mysql.com

Red carpet for you!!!! Using shared memory! last one was Monty while developing 
MySQL 3.x!!!
Sorry Siva, A bit of fun about MySQL on windows shared-memory protocol :)

I have no experience on Shared Memory protocol and as me I think 99.999% of 
MySQL users.
I think it would be way more appropriate to use TCP/IP so that (1) you can 
migrate to Linux/Mac anytime hassle-free (2) find a zillion people ready to 
help you.

If you still want to be helped with this protocol please provide:
MySQL Versionmy.inimysql full configuration report (you may use  mysql 
-h127.0.0.1 -P3306 -uroot -e "show variables"    this will work if no root 
password is set, otherwise add the -p parameter)

2012/4/14 SIVASUTHAN NADARAJAH <nsivasut...@live.com>

I used windows 7 OS. I try to connect to the MySQL server locally using shared 
memory prtotocolthis error message comes. Any one, can you tell me how to 
figure out this? C:\>mysql -h localhost -u root --protocol=memory 
--enable-shared-memory -p

Enter password: ****

ERROR 2038 (HY000): Can't open shared memory; client could not create request 
event (2)C:\>  Also I am unable to use nt-pipe protocol.C:\>mysql -h localhost 
-u root --protocol=pipe --enable-named-pipe  -p

mysql: unknown option '--enable-named-pipe'C:\> Thanks.Sivasuthan.              


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