----- Original Message -----

> From: "Claudio Nanni" <claudio.na...@gmail.com>
> " Print out warnings such as Aborted connection... to the error log."
> the dots are not telling if they comprise Aborted clients as well.
Hah, how's that for selective blindness. Totally missed that :-) 

> I find the MySQL error log extremely poor, as far as I know it is one
> of the MySQL features (like authentication) stuck to the dawn of
> MySQL times.
> Very hard to debug non basic things like your issue.
> From what I have experienced usually Aborted connection means wrong
> credentials while Aborted clients means the client (typically PHP)
> did not close the connection properly.
Yep, that's it; but indeed, since aborted clients aren't logged, then, I seem 
to be in a ditch. 

> Do you have any chance to check if the code is closing the
> connections to the mysql database?
Oh, yes, millions upon billions of lines of wonderfully obscure Java 
stacktraces that reveal little more than "Lost connection to database" for 
every couple of thousand lines. 

Everything works fine most of the time, then randomly some queries will get 
slow, and eventually the connections will drop. Rinse and repeat. 

Oh well. Thanks for pointing out my reading error, I'm off to lart the devs 
into profiling their code to figure out *what* causes the slowness. Guess I'll 
have to set up some tcpdumps, too. 


Bier met grenadyn 
Is als mosterd by den wyn 
Sy die't drinkt, is eene kwezel 
Hy die't drinkt, is ras een ezel 

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