column used in the order by caluse, should be the first column in the
select statement to make the index work

On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 3:16 PM, Reindl Harald <>wrote:

> Am 11.07.2012 11:43, schrieb Ewen Fortune:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 10:31 AM, Reindl Harald <>
> wrote:
> >> the mysql query optimizer is somehow stupid
> >
> > Its not stupid - remember its not trying to find the best index,
> > rather its trying to find the least costly plan
> > to return the data in the quickest manner.
> >
> > For the optimizer in this case it believes its faster to do a full
> > table scan with filesort rather than read from the index
> > and have to scan the entire table anyway.
> >
> > Quick test shows it is indeed faster to do a full table scan.
> >
> > mysql> show profiles;
> >
> +----------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> > | Query_ID | Duration   | Query
> >                                             |
> >
> +----------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> > |        1 | 0.32261700 | SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM
> > cms1_quickbar_groups force key (qbq_key) ORDER BY qg_sort ASC |
> > |        2 | 0.24592100 | SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM
> > cms1_quickbar_groups ORDER BY qg_sort ASC                     |
> >
> +----------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> > 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> this may be true for small data where it does not matter at all
> but if this would be a large table it would cause a lot of I/O

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