This didn't help, but good try!

Jim McNeely 

On Aug 23, 2012, at 12:27 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:

> If memory serves predicates convert strings to column-data-type (in your case 
> DATE) this *should* help
> WHERE dateexam = STR_TO_DATE('2012-08-13','%Y-%m-%d')
> does this help?
> Martin 
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>> From:
>> Subject: view query is slow
>> Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 11:30:17 -0700
>> To:
>> I am working on a view based on this query:
>> =======================================
>> -- Patient Info
>> p.IdPatient,
>> p.IdLastword MRN, 
>> p.NameLast, 
>> p.NameFirst, 
>> p.Addr1, 
>> p.Addr2, 
>> p.AddrCity, 
>> p.AddrState, 
>> p.AddrZip,
>> p.Gender, 
>> p.DateOfBirth,
>> -- Provider Info
>> af.IdAffil,
>> af.PractName, 
>> af.OfficeName,
>> -- Exam Info
>> e.IdExam,
>> e.dateexam, 
>> a.WorkArea dept, 
>> a.Room location, 
>> e.ProcModeCode,
>> e.ProcName,
>> e.IdRefSite,
>> ec.IdCPT,
>> e.zzk exam_zzk,
>> ec.zzk examcpt_zzk
>> FROM patient_ p
>> LEFT JOIN exams e ON e.IdPatient = p.IdPatient
>> LEFT JOIN Examcpt_ ec ON (e.IdExam = ec.IdExam AND '1' = Quantity)
>> LEFT JOIN Copy_ c ON CONCAT(e.IdAppt , '0') = c.IdApptType
>> LEFT JOIN Appt_ a ON e.IdAppt = a.IdAppt
>> LEFT JOIN Affil_ af ON c.IdPractAffil = af.IdAffil
>> p.AddrState = 'WA'
>> AND e.statusnumber = '4'
>> AND e.IdRefSite <> 'S50'
>> AND e.IdRefSite <> 'S51' 
>> AND e.IdREfSite <> 'S63' 
>> AND a.zzk IS NOT NULL
>> ============================================
>> If I run this query itself (not in the view), and add this:
>> AND e.dateexam = '2012-08-13'
>> it runs like lightning, super fast. But if I run the query against the view, 
>> for example "SELECT * FROM exam_view WHERE dateexam = '2012-08-13'
>> It is so glacially slow that I end up having to kill the query. What is 
>> going on, and how can I fix this?
>> Jim McNeely
>> Northwest Radiologists
>> Senior Database Programmer
>> 360-788-9022 desk
>> 360-303-3332 mobile 
>> -- 
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