Hi all,

I created a partition on a timstamp column ( dt_dtamp ) in mysql-5.1.58
testing table.But as all of us know that partitioned column need to be
primary key.
I have already id column as primary key but my application cann't afford
 primary key ('id','dt_stamp') in a table.

I thought & tried PRIMARY KEY ( 'id','dt_dtamp')  & UNIQUE ('id') will work
but below error came :

ERROR 1503 (HY000): A UNIQUE INDEX must include all columns in the table's
partitioning function

as it is clearly mentioned in

Is it possible i can create partitioning on a substring of varchar(255) (
id ) column. Below are the some contents of my id column :-

 0038000-120614070130414-sudoie-sudoi-C@86 |
| 0038000-120614070130414-sudoie-sudoi-C@87 |
| 0038000-120614070130414-sudoie-sudoi-C@88 |
| 0038000-120614070130414-sudoie-sudoi-C@89 |
| 0038000-120614070130414-sudoie-sudoi-C@90 |
| 0038000-120614070130414-sudoie-sudoi-C@91 |
| 0038000-120614070130414-sudoie-sudoi-C@92 |
| 0038000-120614070130414-sudoie-sudoi-C@93 |
| 0038000-120614070130414-sudoie-sudoi-C@94 |
| 0038000-120614070130414-sudoie-sudoi-C@95 |
| 0038000-120614070130414-sudoie-sudoi-C@96 |

It includes date in it. Can i make my partitioning on string after first
hyphen : 120614

Is it possible in mysql5.1.58 or may be higher versions so that i have only
primary key ('id') on my table. Need a crack for it.


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