2012/10/10 Aastha <aast...@gmail.com>

> it should do the following:
> 1. give the status of the health of the nodes -Primary concern

What do you mean with "health of the nodes"? mysqld running? master-slaves
up and sync'ed? replication not broken? you using NDB?. Still a very vague

> 2. Give slow queries

You will need to enable slow query log (trying to filter as much as
possible to only log what you would consider a slow query in your
environment). You'd need to scan it too. You might want to take a look at
pt-query-digest. Or use regex over the log if you don't want to use
external tools.

> 3. NO  or reads etc

You can parse the output of  "show innodb status" for that.

> 4. No of users logged in

Remember you need the SUPER privilege to be able to do this. "show
processlist" will show you the logged users. Again, you'd need to parse its

> 5. Other admin tasks

Do you really think we can help you with this description? :-)


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