Am 16.10.2012 20:18, schrieb Tim Gustafson:
> InnoDB: The log sequence number in ibdata files does not match
> InnoDB: the log sequence number in the ib_logfiles!
> 121016 10:40:20  InnoDB: Database was not shut down normally!

> So, I went back to the master server, backed up the "foo" database and
> dropped and re-created it, and then restored the data, and repeated
> the whole process, but then I just get the same error for another pair
> of database names.  I did this three times before giving up.  No data
> appears to be corrupted at all on the master server.

you can not simply copy a single database in this state
innodb is much more complex like myisam

* rsync on the master while it runs LOCAL
* stop the master
* rsync a second time to get a fast diff-sync
* stop the salve
* rsync the master-backup to the slave
* start replication

IMHO this is the only fast, safe and consistent way to
start a replication - and yes FS snapshots are REALLY
bad for such things

i am doing the above since many years now

BTW: you should take care that slave and master have the SAME mysql-version!

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