Am 26.10.2012 16:15, schrieb Lorenzo Milesi:
>> innodb will not be consistent if there are parts overwritten
>> in the meantime or small pieces are not recovered 100%
> I took a lvm snapshot few minutes after the happening, and the sql server is 
> barely used so it shouldn't be overwritten..

this does not help you in any way

making a LVM snapshot while mysqld is running
makes even a incosistent backup per design

so after dropa database ANY change and write back innodb
buffers will resue the table space and overwrite data

innodb is a large file with internal structures and you said:
"Storage is innodb, no separate files for tables, everything is in ibdata1"

so how do you imageine restore PARTYL contents of a large
file which has to be also consistent with ib_logfile*

sorry, but there is not tool doing magic if someone is
missing at least daily backups to restore in the case
of mistakes like yours

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