Assuming you're not doing dumb stuff like innodb_flush_log_at_tx=0 or 2 and
etc, you should be fine. We have been using the trio: flush tables with
read lock, xfs_freeze, snapshot for months now without any issues. And we
test the backups (we load the backup into a staging once a day, and dev
once a week)



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Reindl Harald <>wrote:

> Am 01.11.2012 16:36, schrieb Singer Wang:
> > On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:34 AM, Rick James <<mailto:
>>> wrote:
> >
> >     Full backup:
> >     * Xtrabackup (Backup: slight impact on source; more if you have
> MyISAM (as mentioned))
> >     * Slave (Backup: zero impact on Master -- once replication is set up)
> >     * LVM -- a minute of server down; see below
> >
> > Why do you need downtime?
> because mysqld has many buffers in memory and there
> is no atomic "flush buffers in daemon and freeze backend FS"
> short ago there was a guy on this list which had to realize
> this the hard way with a corrupt slave taken from a snapshot
> that's why i would ALWAYS do master/slave what means ONE time
> down (rsync; stop master; rsync; start master) for a small
> timewindow and after that you can stop the slave, take a
> 100% consistent backup of it's whole datadir and start
> the slave again which will do all transactions from the
> binarylog happened in the meantime

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