When I wrote my comment after Larry Martell s problem, I already suspected it 
was somewhat out of place because to his problem it did not apply.

>>>> 2012/12/12 08:25 -0500, Shawn Green >>>>
This is a perfectly acceptable naming convention to use. For example if you 
have a field on the `art` table that references the ID column of the `person` 
table to indicate the owner and another field to indicate the person who 
created the art, you might want to use the names `owner_person_id` and 
`artist_person_id` to keep them separate from the `id` column used to uniquely 
identify the work of art itself.

In this design pattern, each table has a numeric ID column (string-based 
primary keys are perfectly legal but have their drawbacks and should be used 
with care) and to reference it from another table you can use the pattern 
<parenttable>_id.  It keeps your naming conventions clean and predictable.

If I were to try to use a USING operator in my opening example, I would be 
trying to match the PK fields of two separate types of data.

(the USING example)
SELECT ... FROM art INNER JOIN person USING(id)...

Let's say that I renamed the id fields to art_id and person_id to make them 
table-specific. This still fails because a person's identifier as an owner is 
not the same as a work of art's creator. It also does not allow me to use the 
`person` table more than once in a single query.

(FAIL: a renamed USING example)
FROM art
INNER JOIN person USING(person_id) <--- does this refer to the owner or the 
creator of the art?

(the name template example)
FROM art
INNER JOIN person owner
  on art.owner_person_id = owner.id
INNER JOIN person artist
  on art.artist_person_id = artist.id
Well, you're right, a work can refer to people in at least two different 
aspects, there is the work's author, and the work s owner. Neither is 
appropriate for the same name as found in a list of people, because now a 
distinction is made in the undifferentiated mass. And, yes, in general I 
suspect that if in one table there are more foreign-key references to the same 
key in another table, there is enough difference in aspect that none of them is 
fittingly so named as in the original table.

What if neither "author" nor "owner" directly referred to people, but, instead, 
"author" referred to a table of artists, with their training & style listed, 
and "owner" referred to a table of owners, with preferred styles of work 
listed? These tables in the end would refer to people; shall their references 
bear a name distinct from the key in the original table's?

I believe that for every chain of foreign-key references from one table to 
another, if there is no other chain of foreign-key references from that one 
table to that other table (and no design-change that changes this is likely!), 
it is quite all right if along the chain each foreign-key reference and the key 
to which each refers have the same name. The nice thing about USING and NATURAL 
is that in a query only one coalesced field is yielded. I find it not quite 
right to pick between one field or another to yield when both are alike unless 
one of them is NULL.

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