We are unable to solve your problem unless you can display

1)all Foreign Key relationships indicating how one Table-column can access 
Primary key of another table2)It is impossible to aggregate PriceOfBook 
information thru SUM or any other aggregator function(s) since PriceOfBook 
column is missing on all your tables

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 > From: haidarpes...@gmail.com
> Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2012 13:59:36 +0700
> Subject: Re: call up the sales
> To: mysql@lists.mysql.com
> I mean table B (sale of books) is TABLE C (sale of book). Sorry.
> Sales reports on a monthly basis each publisher.
> thanks for the help.
> 2012/12/16 Haidar Pesebe <haidarpes...@gmail.com>
> > Dear All,
> >
> > I am asking for help to solve my problem to call the sale of books.
> >
> > There are 3 tables which each like this:
> >
> >
> > TABLE A (Publisher)
> > -------------------------------
> > ID  :  NAME     : EMAIL :
> > -------------------------------
> > 1     : ABC     :   abc@abc
> > 2     : CDE     :   cde@cde
> > -------------------------------
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------
> > : 1    : TITLE 01        : 1       :  001
> > : 2    : TITLE 02        : 1   :  002
> > : 3    : TITLE 03        : 2       :  003
> > : 4    : TITLE 04        : 2       :  004
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > : ID : ISBN      : QTY   : DATE : LOCATION
> >
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > : 1    : 001        :  20     :  2012-12-01 :
> > : 2    : 001        :  11     :  2012-12-01 :
> > : 3    : 002        :  15     :  2012-12-01 :
> > : 4    : 003        :  10     :  2012-12-01 :
> > : 5    : 003        :  7      :  2012-12-01 :
> > : 6    : 003        :  8      :  2012-12-01 :
> > : 7    : 004        :  10     :  2012-12-01 :
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > How do I call up the sales in December 2012 for ABC Publisher or call the
> > sale in 2012 for ABC publisher?
> >
> > Thanks and regards,
> > Haidarpesebe
> >

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