Am 08.03.2013 17:32, schrieb frederic nivor:
> when I :
> show databases;
> I got:
> +--------------------+
> | Database           |
> +--------------------+
> | information_schema |
> | Applications       |
> | Developer          |
> | Library            |
> | System             |
> | bin                |
> | cores              |
> | etc                |
> | private            |
> | sbin               |
> | usr                |
> | var                |
> +--------------------+
> which are some directories at root / (except for information_schema),
> so I thought my datadir variable was not well configured, but when I :
> show variables;
> I got :
> datadir 
> /var/mobile/Applications/EED44E40-E013-44DE-9DB4-D6DB6D491F72/Library/data/
> which is the right path, where mysql and performance_schema folders are stored
> Still couldn't access mysql database…

looks like a totally fucked up setup on a apple machine

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