On 2013-06-17 14:43, Denis Jedig wrote:
Say the binary log file (on the master) has reached its maximum
size, so that it has to switch to a "+1" binary log file: does he
inform the SLAVE of that switch so that the SLAVE updates its
information about the MASTER status?
The master does not "inform" the slave via an immediate communication channel, but the slave knows how to keep up because the end of the binary log file contains continuation information - i.e. the name of the next log file to fetch.


I'm sorry I was mislead by the output of:
[mihamina@prod-ebidual ~]$ echo "SHOW SLAVE STATUS \G;" | mysql -uroot -pxxxxx | grep 'Slave_' Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event <------ this
             Slave_IO_Running: Yes
            Slave_SQL_Running: Yes


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