Using deductive reasoning one would surmise that Effiong wants to install the MySql Database on a laptop,
But then the question to Effiong is:

What Operating System is running on your LapTop?

NOTE: You'll need a MySql Server and a MySql Client, and maybe a Gui Interface/WorkBench?

You can download the MySQL database from the MySQL website

There you'll need to choose your OS, Linux, Windows, or Mac?

Personally, I don't do Windows, so I won't help you with that, but this guy can:

However, on a Debian type Linux machine, like Ubuntu, it is too easy:
One command: Using a Terminal emulator, command-line......

sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client mysql-navigator

Nothing else to do, this one command, will find the software in the cloud, download the latest version for your specific OS rev, check (download,config,install) all dependencies, and configure and install all packages specified on the command line.

On windows, I recommend migrating to Linux, meanwhile, be very careful as to what you download, and where you download it from. There are lots of malicious websites that will mislead you into downloading malicious code.


On 07/04/2013 07:26 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 03.07.2013 14:50, schrieb Emmy Santi:
my name is Effiong Emmanuel.please, I love your products and your ways helping 
human.pls can you send me  MYSQL COMPILER to enable me install it in my laptop 
computer and practice.I will be gratefull if my request is kindly granted.
what are you speaking about?
what is a "mysql compiler"?

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