Hello List,

On two different occasions and on two different servers I have found server 
debug information written out to the mysqld.log file.

Now I know that by issuing the kill -1 mysql-pid will write that information to 
the mysqld.log file, and by using mysqladmin debug will also write debug 
information to the mysqld.log file.

I am wondering what other methods would write the debug info to the mysqld.log 
file. On the two servers in question my fellow DBA's nor myself did nothing 
that would have written debug info. 

Are there any internal settings or processes that would write debug information 
to the mysqld.log file? Could a client tool do something like this? We have 
reviewed the app privileges and the they have no ability to write debug info.

Thank you,  

Walter "Wayne" Leutwyler, RHCT
Sr. MySQL Database Administrator
Mobile: 614 519 5672
Office: 614 889 4956
E-mail: wayne.leutwy...@gmail.com
E-mail: wleut...@columbus.rr.com
Website: http://penguin-workshop.dyndns.org

"Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne

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