
We have a basic table, which is something like :

(id varchar50, productId varchar50, category varchar50)

In this table, ID is the primary key and we have a unique index on
(category, productId). And, there is a case where we want to do bulk
inserts (3000 inserts) using:

INSERT INTO (id, productId, category) VALUES (‘x1’, ‘y1’, ‘z1’), (‘x2’,
‘y2’, ‘z3’) ….. ON DUPLICATE KEY productId = VALUES(productId), category =

So, when we try to insert 3000 rows using this syntax with a single
statement, it takes ~ 3 seconds to execute this on an empty table.

BTW, innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit is set to  2 for us.

I don’t have something factual data here, but it feels that this is too
much just for 3000 rows.

Isn’t this just too slow? Are we doing something wrong here? Or, can you
advice as to which configuration parameters can we tweak here to make it


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