2014/1/7 <h...@tbbs.net>

> >>>> 2014/01/06 17:07 +0100, Reindl Harald >>>>
> what about look in the servers logfiles
> most likely "max_allowed_packet" laughable low
> <<<<<<<<
> Is this then, too, likly when the server and the client are the same
> machine?
> I left this out, that it only then happens when the client has been idle,
> and right afterwards the client repeats the request and all goes well. The
> message is no more than an irritatind break between request and fulfillment.
> Hello,

That happens when you're trying to re-use an existing connection which
wasn't properly closed and as you said, it's been idle. When you repeat the
operation, the thread is created again and thus everything goes normal.

Review the following variables



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