Am 17.01.2014 22:42, schrieb Richard Reina:
> I have 3 relay MySQL database servers on my small office LAN backing up a
> master and 3 more machines backing up each relay (1 each). They are all
> replicating all databases and all tables. The master although running fine
> is almost eight years old. I'm thinking it's probably time to make one of
> the relays the master, but I've never done this before.
> I want the new master to have the IP address of the old master
> . To make the change I was going to take the master off the LAN and
> shutdown mysql on all the machines, change the IP address on the chosen
> relay to that of the master, then restart mysql on all the
> machines. I always refer to the machines by their IP addresses and never by
> their hostnames. Once I successfully make the change I was planning on
> making the old master a relay since it is still working fine.
> Will this plan work ok? Is there a better or easier way?

* stop the master
* sync the complete datadir to the new machine
* give the new machine the same ip
* start mysqld

how should the salve smell that anything has changed?

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