Do you know if the Python version has changed? Do you know what was the
Python version you used to develop your script on CentOS 5? So, If anything
has changed in mysql.user table or even in `foo` user credentials, it seems
that your script must be reviewed and even the Python version in use
currently must be checked as well...could you let us now if you can log to
MySQL using the mysql client?

Something like:

$ mysql -u foo -p

Let us know, cheers!!

*Wagner Bianchi, MySQL Database Specialist*
Mobile:  +55.31.8654.9510
Twitter: @wagnerbianchijr

2014-09-04 11:05 GMT-03:00 Divesh Kamra <>:

> check weather there any space in localhost
> 'localhost
> '
> Also check permission for 'foo' user though command
> select * from mysql.user where 'foo';
> On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 6:53 AM, Augori <> wrote:
> > After an operating system change (CentOS 5 to CentOS 6), my Python script
> > could no longer connect with mysql database.  I get the following
> error...
> >
> > mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1045, "Access denied for user 'foo'@
> > 'localhost
> > ' (using password: YES)")
> >
> > I have granted all on all databases to this user.
> > I attempted to run mysql_upgrade.
> >
> > I am stymied because according to another guy, he is successfully
> accessing
> > the same database with the same credentials as I am (but in a PHP
> script).
> >
> > Can any of you suggest an explanation for this?
> >
> > Thanks in advance!
> >

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