Dear MySQL users,

The MySQL Windows Experience Team is proud to announce the release of
MySQL for Excel version 1.3.2. This is a GA release for 1.3.x. It can
be used for production environments.

MySQL for Excel is an application plug-in enabling data analysts to very
easily access and manipulate MySQL data within Microsoft Excel. It
enables you to directly work with a MySQL database from within Microsoft
Excel so you can easily do tasks such as:

 * Importing MySQL Data into Excel

 * Exporting Excel data directly into MySQL to a new or existing table

 * Editing MySQL data directly within Excel

As this is a GA version the MySQL for Excel product can be
downloaded at this link

Changes in MySQL for Excel 1.3.2 (2014-09-22, General Availability)

This section documents all changes and bug fixes applied to MySQL
for Excel since the release of 1.3.1. Several new features were
added the 1.3.x branch, for more information see What Is New In
MySQL for Excel 1.3

Known limitation:

Upgrading from versions MySQL for Excel 1.2.0 and lower is not
possible due to a bug fixed in MySQL for Excel 1.2.1. In that
scenario, the old version (MySQL for Excel 1.2.0 or lower) must be
uninstalled first. Upgrading from version 1.2.1 works correctly.

Functionality Added or Changed

  * Excel tables created from stored procedures can now be
    refreshed. (Bug #19129583, Bug #73151)

  * Several fields next to checkboxes were updated to
    automatically be focused and selected when the corresponding
    checkbox or radio button is checked.

  * A new global option called "Preview MySQL table data before an
    Edit Data session is opened" was added. When checked
    (default), the data of a selected MySQL table to be edited is
    shown in a preview dialog before the Edit Data session is
    opened. If the option is unchecked, no preview takes place and
    the Edit Data session is simply opened.
    A new context menu option called "Preview Data" was also
    added, and it is available when right-clicking a MySQL table
    or view that is listed in the DB Objects selection panel. The
    option opens the Preview Data dialog and shows the first 10
    (by default) rows of the selected table or view.
    In previous versions, the Import Data dialog was always
    displayed when an Edit Data was started, the Preview Data
    dialog replaces it to avoid confusion about the type of
    operation being performed.

  * MySQL for Excel now handles the managed Fabric connection type
    that was introduced in MySQL Workbench 6.2. New icons were
    introduced for SSH and managed Fabric connections. Connections
    that are not of the type native, native_socket, or
    native_sshtun, will not be listed in the connections listing
    under the Welcome Panel.

  * A single PivotTable can now be created for the entire Excel
    data model when importing multiple MySQL tables, which allows
    analyzing the related Excel tables within a single PivotTable.
    The Excel data model contains all Excel tables at the time the
    single PivotTable is created, so if previous imports were
    already performed, the data model may show more tables than
    the imported ones in the last multiple import operation. The
    option to create a PivotTable for each imported table is still
    present, but single PivotTable creation is selected by

  * The generated summary row added by the Add Summary Fields
    option when importing MySQL data is now bold and includes a
    thick border, as to differentiate from actual data.

  * When importing multiple database objects, the ability to add
    related tables to the directly related tables (i.e. indirectly
    related tables) was added by right-clicking a table in the
    related tables list (at the right side of the dialog) and
    choosing Add Related Tables from the context menu.

  * The Schema Selection panel now includes collation information
    for the listed schemas that can be shown by right-clicking the
    Schemas list and choosing Display Schema Collations from the
    context menu.

  * Changed the way stored procedure result sets are laid out in a
    Excel worksheet when all of them are imported horizontally or
    vertically, and when PivotTables are created for each result
    set. Instead of skipping one row or column, the necessary rows
    and columns are skipped so the created PivotTables for the
    result sets do not collide.

Bugs Fixed

  * Duplicate edit session connection information would be saved
    to the settings.config file, which generated a "Editing not
    possible" error message after using the "Work Offline" option.
    Closing an unsaved workbook now opens an Excel "Save As"
    dialog. (Bug #19347634)

  * The Append Excel Data to Table operation failed when the
    number of columns did not match, even when the data was
    manually mapped. (Bug #19346203, Bug #73453)

  * A pop-up warning message stated that some features could not
    be saved in a macro-free workbook would appear when closing a
    Workbook that was not saved.
    Internationalization formulas used by MySQL for Excel that are
    stored in Workbook Names are now removed before the Workbook
    is saved, and these formulas are added again after the save
    operation. (Bug #19358961, Bug #73467)

  * Two labels were changed: the context menu option "Import
    Selected and Related DB Objects" changed to "Import Selected
    and Related Tables", and "Selected related Tables and Views"
    changed to "Selected related Tables". This is because these
    options only apply to tables. (Bug #19296989, Bug #73398)

  * In the Import Multiple dialog, Excel relationships were
    created on import when the "Create Excel relationships for
    imported tables" was unchecked. (Bug #19299550, Bug #73402)

  * Entries for invalid connections from import sessions were
    saved in the %APPDATA%\Oracle\MySQL for Excel\settings.config
    file even when the workbook was not saved. (Bug #19242130, Bug

  * The table schema initialization procedure was fixed to only
    import the selected columns into Excel, instead of always
    importing all of them. (Bug #19181877, Bug #73247)

  * Sometimes MySQL styles were missing from the data list. (Bug
    #19189185, Bug #73263)

  * The Append Data action incorrectly became unavailable when
    changing database object nodes.
    A workaround was to reselect the Excel data to re-enable
    Append Data. (Bug #19190638, Bug #73267)

  * On Windows 7 (x64) with Excel 2007, MySQL for Excel did not
    save connection information for edit sessions or data imports.
    (Bug #19145707, Bug #73182)

  * Excel relationships were not created for the relationships
    among selected database objects when a multiple import was
    performed. Only relationships among database objects in the
    original selection were successfully created, while those from
    the original selection were not. (Bug #19153946, Bug #73191)

  * Either checking the "Create Pivot Table..." box and/or
    selecting vertical or horizontal import options with stored
    procedures failed with the following error: "An external data
    table can be resized only to include or exclude rows of data.
    The column boundaries cannot be changed." (Bug #19129609, Bug

  * Reconnection information stored in the %APPDATA%\Oracle\MySQL
    for Excel\settings.config configuration file to reconnect
    Excel tables with their corresponding MySQL database objects
    counterparts was being written to disk even when the workbook
    save operation was cancelled. (Bug #19153978, Bug #73192)

  * When importing multiple database objects, related tables and
    views were only detected when the originally selected database
    object (shown at the left side of the dialog) had a MySQL
    Foreign Key explicitly declared, but they were not detected if
    the selected database object was actually the foreign object.
    In other words, only a 1-directional relationship was
    detected. (Bug #19154006, Bug #73193)

  * The Import MySQL Data feature failed to import stored
    procedures. (Bug #19129583, Bug #73151)

  * The "Create an Excel table for the imported MySQL table data"
    advanced option in the Import Data dialog was renamed to
    "Create an Excel table for the imported MySQL data", because
    it also imports non-tables such as views and procedures. (Bug
    #18979352, Bug #73003)

  * The "Add Summary Fields" checkbox in the Import Table dialog
    would be enabled even though the required "Create an Excel
    table for the imported MySQL table data" option was disabled.
    (Bug #18979388, Bug #73004)

  * When creating Excel tables for imported data, MySQL for Excel
    created two Excel Workbook connections instead of one.

  * All "Edit Session" references were renamed to "Edit
    Connection", and all "Import Session" references were renamed
    to "Import Connection".

  * Text for the Restore Saved Edit Sessions and Reconnect Import
    Sessions dialogs was updated to be more descriptive.

Quick links:
You can access the MySQL for Excel documentation at
You can find our team's blog at
You can also post questions on our MySQL for Excel forum found at
You can follow our videos on our YouTube channel found at

Enjoy and thanks for the support!

The MySQL on Windows team at Oracle.

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