Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Python 2.0.1 GA is the first GA version of 2.0
release series of the pure Python database driver for MySQL. It
can be used for production environments.

MySQL Connector/Python version 2.0.1 is compatible with MySQL
Server versions 5.5 and greater. Python 2.6 and greater as well as
Python 3.3 and greater are supported. Python 2.4, 2.5 and 3.1, 3.2
are not supported.

MySQL Connector/Python 2.0.1 is available for download from:

The ChangeLog file included in the distribution contains a brief summary
of changes in MySQL Connector/Python 2.0.1. For a more complete list of
changes, see below or online at:


Changes in MySQL Connector/Python 2.0.1 (2014-09-24)

Functionality Added or Changed

  * Connector/Python is now compatible with Django 1.7. (Bug
    #72746, Bug #19163169)

  * RANGE_STRING is now supported as a sharding type. This is
    similar to the regular RANGE sharding type, but instead of an
    integer key, requires a UTF-8 encoded string. For example:
              key=u'employee_name', mode=fabric.MODE_READONLY)
    Only Unicode strings are supported. Any other type given when
    using a shard defined using RANGE_STRING causes a ValueError
    to be raised.

  * RANGE_DATETIME is now supported as a sharding type. This is
    similar to the regular RANGE sharding type, but instead of an
    integer key, requires a datetime or date object. For example,
    to get the shard which holds employees hired after the year
    2000, you could do the following, with lower bounds set as
    "group1/1980-01-01, group2/2000-01-01":
        cnx.set_property(tables=["employees.employees"],, 1, 1), mode=fabric.MODE_READONLY)
    If the lower bounds included a time, it would have been like
        key=datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0),
    Only datetime.datetime and values are supported.
    Any other type given when using a shard defined using
    RANGE_DATETIME causes a ValueError to be raised.

Bugs Fixed

  * Connector/Python failed to catch an exception when SSL
    capability was found to be unavailable. (Bug #19440592)

  * Multiple [connector_python] option groups sometimes caused an
    error. (Bug #19170287)

  * Date and time query formatting was fixed for the Django
    backend. (Bug #19179711)

  * An error failed to occur if an option file was named multiple
    times. (Bug #19169143)

  * Some valid Connector/Python connection options were not
    recognized when specified in the [connector_python] option
    group. (Bug #19168737)

  * An exception was raised when a cursor tried to convert
    LINESTRING data as UTF-8 data. Now such values are returned
    without decoding. (Bug #73187, Bug #19164627)

  * With Python 2, Connector/Python could truncate digits of
    floating-point values. (Bug #73266, Bug #19225481)

  * Binding None (NULL) to a parameter marker in a prepared
    statement did not work. (Bug #73370, Bug #19282158)

  * !include and !includedir directives in option files were not
    handled properly. (Bug #73660, Bug #19481761)

  * Connector/Python now supports a shutdown() method that, unlike
    disconnect(), closes the client connection without attempting
    to send a QUIT command to the server first. Thus, it will not
    block if the connection is disrupted for some reason such as
    network failure. (Bug #72691, Bug #18798953)

The source distribution includes the manual in various formats under
the docs/ folder.

Reporting Bugs
We welcome and appreciate your feedback and bug reports:

Enjoy !

On behalf of the MySQL Connector/Python and the MySQL/ORACLE RE Team,
Hery Ramilison

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