Hi All :)

I am creating an environment based on about 15 hardware nodes. 6 of them
will be for mysql databases. They will be divided into three pairs (3x2
nodes). Nodes in every pair will be configured with replication.

I done similar configuration about an year ago. I used than:
- percona 5.5 with standard asynchronous replication;
- Multi Master Replication Manager for MySQL (http://mysql-mmm.org/) for
automatic assignment/failover of read and write IP addresses and checking
the status of replication (mmm provides status scripts);
- Pacemaker to create a cluster in which scripts for Multi Master
Replication Manager were used.

My question is: I heard that there are other options than standard
asynchronous replication which sometimes was problematic (for example there
was one slave thread only in percona 5.5 and there was a possibility that
slave node will fall behind master node in high load situations). I also am
thinking which MySQL fork is the best option if I plan to use replication.
What can you propose based on your experience?


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