Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Net 6.8.4 is a maintenance release for the 6.8.x
series of the .NET driver for MySQL. It can be used for production

It is appropriate for use with MySQL server versions 5.5-5.7.

It is now available in source and binary form from
(note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point-if you
can't find this version on some mirror, please try again later or choose
another download site.)

Changes in MySQL Connector/Net 6.8.4 (2014-11-11)

Bugs Fixed

  * Generated code that matched against the start of a
    VARCHAR/CHAR column now correctly uses "LIKE" instead of
    location functions for the LINQ to Entity operators
    "StartsWith", "Contains", and "EndsWith". Locate
    functions do not make use of indexes placed on the
    VARCHAR/CHAR columns, which caused significant
    performance degradation. (Bug #19783747, Bug #19680236,
    Bug #72058)

  * Creating a Geometry Column with an SRID value would not
    save the value to the table. (Bug #19783444, Bug
    #19137999, Bug #19476721, Bug #71869)

  * Generated SQL was missing several clauses, such as
    OrderBy, GroupBy, and Skip), in cases that involved the
    "let" keyword, or in other scenarios that were translated
    into a DbApplyExpression. (Bug #19698010, Bug #19783760,
    Bug #73549)

  * LINQ to Entities queries failed for the cases that
    contained a predicate using IList.Contains with an
    argument of "DbCastExpression, DbConstantExpression,
    DbParameterReferenceExpression". (Bug #19690370, Bug
    #19783755, Bug #73643)

  * A SELECT query that had a nullable DATETIME field in a
    child .Any() clause with an .OrderBy() would fail and
    emit a NotImplementedException exception. (Bug #19681723,
    Bug #19795751, Bug #70722)

  * The query optimization routine would return statements
    with invalid table aliases when nested queries were being
    optimized. This would throw an "Unknown column"
    exception. (Bug #19681348, Bug #72004)

  * The "Feature will be installed when required" option was
    removed from the features list in the Connector/Net
    installer due to it not supporting on-demand
    installations because of dependencies with the
    assemblies. (Bug #19670596, Bug #19681113)

  * The fluent API DbModelBuilder.HasColumnType had no effect
    in Entity Framework 6. (Bug #19476922, Bug #19456229, Bug

  * Creating a "Model First" or "Database First" model using
    MySQL 5.7 would set ProviderManifestToken to 5.6. (Bug

  * Setting a Primary Key GUID identity in "Code First" in
    Entity Framework 6 did not function with MySQL server
    5.7. Inserting a row with a valid value for the GUID
    generated an error, even when it had a trigger set to the
    correct value.
    As a workaround, it was necessary to redeclare the column
    definition to accept a dummy default, such as "default
    ''". (Bug #19456452, Bug #19462811, Bug #19476995)

  * Non Primary Keys declared as "Identity GUID" did not have
    their GUID's automatically generated. (Bug #19456415, Bug
    #19461919, Bug #19477029)

  * "LINQ to Entities" queries that used Views with the Take
    operator were not correctly generated. This problem
    affected EF "Database First" scenarios. (Bug #19356006,
    Bug #19789288, Bug #72148)

  * Calling >MySqlConnection.GetSchema("PROCEDURES WITH
    PARAMETERS", ...) would generate an error about a
    non-existent index. This affected Intellisense when
    completing stored procedures. (Bug #19289402)

  * Adding a new column to an existing model as identity and
    PK failed when applying the migration. The generated
    error was: "Incorrect table definition; there can be only
    one auto column and it must be defined as a key". (Bug
    #19268382, Bug #19286383)

  * When using Entity Framework 4.3 Code first Identifiers
    for Migrations and Entity Framework 6, generated foreign
    s_foreign_key) identifiers could be longer than 64
    characters, causing MySQLException errors. The fix
    renames any too-long identifiers using the name format
    FK_guid, where guid is a global unique identifier
    generated at runtime. (Bug #19211564, Bug #19483128)
    References: This bug is a regression of Bug #67285.

  * In Visual Studio, Connector/Net did not read the
    millisecond portion of a time value for a field of type
    TIME(3). (Bug #19211409, Bug #18111085)

  * When the connection limit was exceeded,
    MySqlConnection.Open() would leave the TCP connections in
    a CLOSE_WAIT state, but now closes them. (Bug #18665388,
    Bug #72025)

  * When a client refreshed a web page associated with an
    expired session and if the ASP.NET project was using
    <SessionState ... regenerateExpiredSessionId="true" ...>,
    a "duplicate entry" exception was generated from the
    MySqlSessionProvider. (Bug #18657550, Bug #19783515, Bug

  * Entity Framework threw a NullReferenceException on
    insertion of a record into tables that had an
    auto-increment, unsigned, bigint primary key. (Bug
    #18189217, Bug #19211404, Bug #71242)

  * "MaximumPoolSize" and "MinimumPoolSize" were not
    recognized as valid connection string options. (Bug
    #18182246, Bug #19484670)

  * When Connector/Net's SQL generator emitted code for the
    LINQ Union() or Concat() operator, parentheses were not
    applied around the individual SELECT statements. That
    could cause a change of meaning for the query when a
    Take() operator (thus a LIMIT clause in the SQL code) was
    applied to the last SELECT statement. With this fix,
    parentheses were put around individual SELECT statements,
    so that the LIMIT clause will not be applied to the
    entire result of the UNION operation. (Bug #18049691, Bug
    #19211182, Bug #19483110, Bug #70828)

  * During migrations with ASP.NET Identity 1.0 in Visual
    Studio, the code generator did not generate the indexes
    and foreign keys in the Up() class. (Bug #18049272, Bug
    #19483069, Bug #71287)

  * The value for the Keepalive option in the connection
    string was interpreted by Connector/Net to be in
    milliseconds. This fix makes it to be interpreted as
    number of seconds, as specified in the documentation.
    (Bug #17981275, Bug #19211293, Bug #69484)

  * When using the Code First approach in Entity Framework 5,
    a LINQ query that checked whether a nullable column was
    null resulted in a faulty SQL query being generated. (Bug
    #17285548, Bug #69922)

The documentation is available at:

Nuget packages are available at:

Enjoy and thanks for the support!

On behalf of the MySQL Connector/NET and the MySQL/ORACLE RE Team.

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