Am 16.02.2015 um 02:12 schrieb Jan Steinman:
I have an annoying problem that I've worked around, but I would like to fix it the 
"right" way.

This is under MacOS X Server 10.6.latest.

I just replaced the ancient (<5) version of MySQL that came with that server to MariaDB 10.1, via 
MacPorts. (That was an interesting three-day exercise in itself, but it's finally working.) As part of 
doing that, the location of the mysqld socket changed, but I changed that in /etc/my.conf and in 
/etc/php.ini, in three places. I Read The Fine Manual, and I know that to MySQL, "localhost" 
actually means "socket," rather than So I changed /etc/my.cnf and /etc/php.ini 
(three places) to refer to the new socket location. I re-started mysqld and apache

However, the moniker "localhost" isn't behaving as expected in two php 
applications, but working properly in a third

you need to look which host you have used for the permissons / user
if there is set localhost won't work

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