Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/NET 6.7.7, a new version of the all-managed .NET driver
for MySQL has been released.  This is the GA, is feature complete. It is
recommended for production environments.  It is appropriate for use with
MySQL server versions 5.5-5.7.

It is now available in source and binary form from mirror sites
(note that not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point-if you
can't find this version on some mirror, please try again later or choose
another download site.)

The 6.7 version of MySQL Connector/NET brings the following new
-  WinRT Connector.
-  Load Balancing support.
-  Entity Framework 5.0 support.
-  Memcached support for Innodb Memcached plugin.
-  This version also splits the product in two: from now on, starting
   version 6.7, Connector/NET will include only the former Connector/NET
   ADO.NET driver, Entity Framework and ASP.NET providers (Core
   libraries of MySql.Data, MySql.Data.Entity & MySql.Web). While all
   the former product Visual Studio integration (Design support,
   Intellisense, Debugger) are available as part of MySQL Windows
   Installer under the name "MySQL for Visual Studio".

WinRT Connector
Now you can write MySql data access apps in Windows Runtime (aka Store
Apps) using the familiar API of Connector/NET for .NET.

Load Balancing Support
Now you can setup a Replication or Cluster configuration in the backend,
and Connector/NET will balance the load of queries among all servers
making up the backend topology.

Entity Framework 5.0
Connector/NET is now compatible with EF 5, including special features of
EF 5 like spatial types.

Just setup Innodb memcached plugin and use Connector/NET new APIs to
establish a client to MySQL 5.6 server's memcached daemon.

Changes in MySQL Connector/Net 6.7.7 (2015-03-04)

   Bugs Fixed

     * With Entity Framework 6, passing in a string reference to
       the StartWith clause would return incorrect results. (Bug
       #20129927, Bug #20334228, Bug #20334274, Bug #74918)

     * The GetTimeZoneOffset method would return an incorrect
       value depending on the server Time and TimeZone, as it
       did not take into account the day into the context of the
       time difference. (Bug #20065691, Bug #20362040, Bug
       #20362036, Bug #74905)

     * A memory leak was fixed. (Bug #19467233, Bug #19474480,
       Bug #19474510, Bug #73122)

     * The CreateUser function did not trim whitespace before
       storing values into the database, while MembershipUser
       did return trimmed values. The trimming is now performed
       before the data is stored. (Bug #19453313, Bug #19459461,
       Bug #19459436, Bug #73411)

     * Queries with collations using the _utf16le character set
       were not read correctly and instead yielded a "not
       presented key in dictionary" error. (Bug #19446614, Bug
       #19355906, Bug #19446571, Bug #72737)

     * MySQL Connector/Net would sometimes attempt to call
       stored procedures when it should not. (Bug #19446554, Bug
       #19446523, Bug #19325120, Bug #72736)

     * A connection string that included Chinese characters for
       a database or uid property would emit the following
       exception; "MySqlException: Unknown database '???'". (Bug
       #18141356, Bug #20508130, Bug #70041)

     * Loading two nested collections could be reported as an
       invalid SQL query as MySQL Connector/Net only generated a
       partial query. (Bug #18049862, Bug #20409538, Bug
       #20409528, Bug #70941)

The documentation is available at:

Nuget packages are available at:

Enjoy and thanks for the support!

On behalf of the MySQL Connector/NET and the MySQL/ORACLE RE Team.

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