Please do 

  select id, customer_id, concat('-', group_id, '-') 
    from app_customergroupmembership 
    where customer_id ='ajEiQA';

I suspect one of those group IDs has a trailing space or similar 'invible' 
character that makes it not identical.

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chris Hornung" <>
> To: "MySql" <>
> Sent: Monday, 23 March, 2015 18:20:36
> Subject: duplicate rows in spite of multi-column unique constraint

> Hello,
> I'm come across a situation where a table in our production DB has a
> relatively small number of duplicative rows that seemingly defy the
> unique constraint present on that table.
> We're running MySQL 5.6.19a via Amazon RDS. The table in question is
> ~250M rows.
> `show create table` gives:
> app_customergroupmembership | CREATE TABLE `app_customergroupmembership` (
>   `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
>   `customer_id` varchar(6) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
>   `group_id` varchar(6) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
>   `created` datetime NOT NULL,
>   PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
>   UNIQUE KEY `app_customergroupmembership_customer_id_31afe160_uniq`
> (`customer_id`,`group_id`),
>   KEY `app_customergroupmembership_group_id_18aedd38e3f8a4a0`
> (`group_id`,`created`)
> COLLATE=utf8_bin
> Despite that, records with duplicate customer_id/group_id do exist:
> mysql> select * from app_customergroupmembership where customer_id =
> 'ajEiQA';
> +-------------+-------------+----------+---------------------+
>| id          | customer_id | group_id | created             |
> +-------------+-------------+----------+---------------------+
>| 20279608258 | ajEiQA      | ddH6Ev   | 2015-02-17 00:14:54 |
>| 20279608269 | ajEiQA      | ddH6Ev   | 2015-02-17 00:14:54 |
> +-------------+-------------+----------+---------------------+
> Interestingly, these dupe records can't seem to be queried when using
> both columns from the unique constraint in the WHERE clause:
> mysql> select * from app_customergroupmembership where customer_id =
> 'ajEiQA' and group_id = 'ddH6Ev';
> +-------------+-------------+----------+---------------------+
>| id          | customer_id | group_id | created             |
> +-------------+-------------+----------+---------------------+
>| 20279608258 | ajEiQA      | ddH6Ev   | 2015-02-17 00:14:54 |
> +-------------+-------------+----------+---------------------+
> Any thoughts on how this situation came to pass, and how to prevent it
> from happening?
> Thanks,
> --
> Chris Hornung

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