
I have a replication client where replication stopped because mysql said
that the SUPER privilege was required for an update statement.  I tried
running the same update under a normal user and it also failed saying the
SUPER privilege was required.  I thought the SUPER privilege was only
necessary for admin tasks.  Why is it being required for a simple table
update statement?

Interestingly, I am able to insert a new row into the table; however, i get
the same error when i then try to update the new row.  I have restarted
mysql hoping that might fix the issue, no luck.  i've also checked the file
permissions on table files on the file system and they are all owned by the
same user which is running mysql.  I've tried to create another test table
and was successful and could also insert and update that table with no
issues.  I am also able to insert and update other tables but I have not
tried them all.

I am at a loss.  Any and all help appreciated.



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