> On Oct 20, 2015, at 1:24 PM, shawn l.green <shawn.l.gr...@oracle.com> wrote:
> Which release of MySQL are you using?

Version 5.5.45-cll

> How many rows do you get if you remove the GROUP_CONCAT operator? We don't 
> need to see the results. (sometimes it is a good idea to look at the raw, 
> unprocessed results)
> Is it possible that you are attempting to concat more values than allowed by 
> --group-concat-max-len ?

When I did this I realized I was missing a GROUP BY clause

Her is the debugged working version. Thanks guys. 

CONCAT(o.first_name, " ", o.last_name) AS orphan, 
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT hti.rec_code ORDER BY hti.rec_code ASC SEPARATOR ", ") AS 
FROM hiv_transactions ht 
LEFT JOIN tk_orphans o ON ht.orphan_id = o.orphan_id 
LEFT JOIN hiv_trans_items hti ON ht.transaction_id = hti.hiv_transaction_id 
WHERE ht.donor_id = 730 AND ht.tr_date BETWEEN "2015-01-01 00:00:00" AND 
"2015-12-31 23:59:59" 
GROUP BY ht.`transaction_id`
ORDER BY ht.tr_date DESC, ht.rec_code ASC;

Don Wieland

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