I'm not at a terminal but have you tried grouping by p.pk_ProductID instead
of i.fk...? It is the actual value you are selecting as well as being on
the primary table in the query.

On Thu, Oct 22, 2015, 5:18 PM Don Wieland <d...@pointmade.net> wrote:

> Hi gang,
> I have a query:
> p.pk_ProductID,
> p.Description,
> i.Quantity
> FROM invoice_invoicelines_Product p
> JOIN invoice_InvoiceLines i ON p.pk_ProductID = i.fk_ProductID AND
> i.fk_InvoiceID IN (1,2,3)
> WHERE p.pk_ProductID IN (1,2,3);
> It produces a list like the following:
> 1,Banana,3
> 2,Orange,1
> 2,Orange,4
> 3,Melon,3
> 3,Melon,3
> I want to SUM the i.Quantity per ProductID, but I am unable to get the
> scope/syntax correct. I was expecting the following would work:
> p.pk_ProductID,
> p.Description,
> SUM(i.Quantity)
> FROM invoice_invoicelines_Product p
> JOIN invoice_InvoiceLines i ON p.pk_ProductID = i.fk_ProductID AND
> i.fk_InvoiceID IN (1,2,3)
> WHERE p.pk_ProductID IN (1,2,3)
> GROUP BY i.fk_ProductID;
> but it is not working.
> Little help please. Thanks!
> Don Wieland
> d...@pointmade.net
> http://www.pointmade.net
> https://www.facebook.com/pointmade.band

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