Hey gang, I need the ability to produce this end result:
condition a) All clients who have had at least 2 appointments in the last 24 months condition b) of the set of “condition a” rows, which of those have NO appointments in the last 6 months I am able to get the clients with >= 2 appointments with this query SELECT c.client_id, concat(c.first_name, ' ', c.last_name) AS client_name, c.`address`, c.city, c.state, c.`zip`, c.email , max(from_unixtime(a.time_start)) AS last_appt, count(a.client_id) AS appt_count FROM tl_clients c LEFT JOIN tl_appt a ON c.client_id = a.client_id GROUP BY a.client_id HAVING max(a.time_start) >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB( NOW(), INTERVAL 24 MONTH)) AND last_appt IS NOT NULL AND count(a.client_id) >= 2; BUT, how do I add the other “condition b” to the query to get an accurate end result. I’d appreciate any help. Don