Dear MySQL users,

The MySQL Windows Experience Team is proud to announce the release
of MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.6.

This is a maintenance release for 1.2.x. It can be used for
production environments.

MySQL for Visual Studio is a product that includes all of the
Visual Studio integration functionality to create and manage
MySQL databases when developing .NET applications.

MySQL for Visual Studio is installed using the MySQL Installer
for Windows which comes in 2 versions:
   * Full (150 MB) which includes a complete set of MySQL products
     with their binaries included in the downloaded bundle.
   * Web (1.5 MB - a network install) which will just pull MySQL
     for Visual Studio over the web and install it when run.

You can download MySQL Installer from our official Downloads page at

MySQL for Visual Studio can also be downloaded by using the product
standalone installer found at

Changes in MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2.6 (2016-01-07)

   Bugs Fixed

     * With MySQL for Visual Studio installed, attempting to
       create MSSQL connections would fail and throw an
       exception. (Bug #22122881, Bug #77441)

     * The Tools, Extensions and Updates, Installed, Tools
       window always reported "1.0.0" as the current MySQL for
       Visual Studio version number. (Bug #22114385)

     * Executing Generate Database from Model from an existing
       Entity Framework model would throw an exception related
       to an error with the T4 template file, when then aborted
       the creation of the database. The Connector/Net Entity
       Framework assembly (MySql.Data.Entity.EF6.dll) path was
       fixed in the MySQL T4 template file (
       (Bug #20234532, Bug #74388)

     * With Visual Studio 2012, generating a database from a
       model would fail and throw an exception. However,
       clicking OK after the error would cause the action to
       succeed. (Bug #18181649)

What Is New In MySQL for Visual Studio 1.2
- New MySQL Project Items for creating data views in Windows Forms and
  ASP.NET MVC web applications.

- A new option in web configuration tool for the ASP.NET Personalization
  Provider (this feature requires MySQL Connector/NET 6.9 or newer).

- A new option in web configuration tool for the ASP.NET Site Map
  Provider   (this feature requires MySQL Connector/NET 6.9 or newer).

- A new option for the MySQLSimpleMembership provider in the web
  configuration tool. (This feature requires MySQL Connector/NET or newer).

MySQL Windows Forms Project Item
This Project Item is available on the Add New Item dialog in Visual Studio
when adding a new item to an existing project.

The dialog presented to create the MySQL Windows Forms Project Item
automates the generation of a Windows Form, representing a view for
MySQL data available through an existing Entity Framework's model
entity containing a MySQL table or view.

Different view types are available to present the data:
   * Single-column: A form that contains one control by each existing
     column in the table with navigation controls and that allows CRUD
     operations.All controls can include validations for numeric and
     DateTime data types.

   * Grid: A form with a data grid view that contains navigation controls.

* Master-detail: A form with a single control layout for the Parent table
     and a data grid view to navigate through child table's data.

Supported with C# or Visual Basic language. This feature requires
Connector/NET 6.7.5, 6.8.3 or 6.9.x.

For more details on the features included check the documentation at:

MySQL ASP.NET MVC Project Item
This Project Item is available on the Add New Item dialog in Visual Studio
when adding a new item to an existing project.

The dialog presented to create the MySQL ASP.NET MVC Item automates the
generation of a controller and its corresponding view, representing a view
for MySQL data available through an existing Entity Framework's model entity
containing a MySQL table or view. The MVC versions supported by this wizard
are 3 when using Visual Studio 2010 or 2012, and 4 when using Visual Studio
2013 or greater.

The generation of the MVC items is done by creating an Entity Framework data
model either with Entity Framework version 5 or 6 depending on the user's

Supported with C# or Visual Basic language. This feature requires
Connector/NET 6.7.5, 6.8.3 or 6.9.x.

For more details on the features included check the documentation at:

New option in web configuration tool for the ASP.NET Personalization Provider
Personalization provider allows to store personalization state-state data regarding the content and layout of Web Parts pages-generated by the Web Parts personalization service using MySQL as a data source. This feature requires Connector/NET 6.9.x
or greater.

New option in web configuration tool for the ASP.NET Site Map Provider
Site Map provider allows to show a hierarchical list of links that describe the
structure of a site. This feature requires Connector/NET 6.9.x or greater.

New option in web configuration tool for the ASP.NET Simple Membership provider
The latest provider added to handle web site membership tasks with ASP.NET.
This feature requires Connector/Net 6.9.x or greater.

Quick links:
- MySQL for Visual Studio documentation:
- Inside MySQL blog (NEW blog home):
- MySQL on Windows blog (OLD blog home):
- MySQL for Visual Studio forum:
- MySQL YouTube channel:
- MySQL Bugs database:

Enjoy and thanks for the support!

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