Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Server 5.7.13, a new version of the popular Open Source
Database Management System, has been released. MySQL 5.7.13 is
recommended for use on production systems.

Since MySQL Server 5.7.12, we have introduced the concept of
Rapid Plugins. Out of the box, 5.7.13 follows the same stability promise
as our current release process, but it also allows for plugins with
additional functionality to be installed very easily. The first plugin
to be released with MySQL Server 5.7.13 following this concept is the
new X Plugin, which exposes a new communications protocol called the X
Protocol. The expanded capabilities of the X Protocol enable us to
provide the new X DevAPI in our MySQL Connectors and Client
applications, like the new MySQL Shell. The goal of the X DevAPI is to
support a new schema object type called document collections as well as
relational and combined document store/relational capabilities. Now
developers, designers and DBAs can deploy MySQL databases that implement
document store, relational, or hybrid document/relation models. For
documentation about how to get started using MySQL as a document store,

For an overview of what's new in MySQL 5.7, please see

For information on installing MySQL 5.7.13 on new servers, please see
the MySQL installation documentation at

MySQL Server 5.7.13 is available in source and binary form for a number of
platforms from our download pages at

MySQL Server 5.7.13 is also available from our repository for Linux
platforms, go here for details:

Windows packages are available via the Installer for Windows or .ZIP
(no-install) packages for more advanced needs. The point and click
configuration wizards and all MySQL products are available in the
unified Installer for Windows:

5.7.13 also comes with a web installer as an alternative to the full

The web installer doesn't come bundled with any actual products
and instead relies on download-on-demand to fetch only the
products you choose to install. This makes the initial download
much smaller but increases install time as the individual products
will need to be downloaded.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
patches, etc.:

The following section lists the changes in MySQL 5.7 since
the release of MySQL 5.7.12. It may also be viewed
online at


Changes in MySQL 5.7.13 (2016-06-02)

     Account Management Notes

       * In MySQL 5.7.8, the maximum length of MySQL user names
         was increased from 16 to 32 characters, but some
         applicable contexts for this increase were overlooked.
         Additional changes in maximum user name length now have
         been applied:

            + The size of these mysql system table columns is
                 o The definer column of the event and proc tables
                 o The grantor column of the procs_priv and
                   tables_priv tables
              In each case, the column previously was defined as
              CHAR(77), where 77 was chosen to permit a
              user_name@host_name string containing a user name up
              to 16 characters, a @ character, and a host name up
              to 60 characters. Each column now is defined as
              CHAR(93), reflecting an increase in permitted user
              name length from 16 to 32 characters.

            + A similar change from CHAR(77) to CHAR(93)applies to
              the DEFINER column of these INFORMATION_SCHEMA
              tables: EVENTS, ROUTINES, TRIGGERS, VIEWS. Along
              with the changes to INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables,
              output from any corresponding SHOW statements now
              displays DEFINER values up to 93 characters.
              Examples of affected statements: SHOW EVENTS, SHOW
         If you upgrade to this MySQL release from an earlier
         version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and restart the
         server) to incorporate the changes to the mysql system
         database. A server from MySQL 5.7.13 or higher for which
         mysql_upgrade has not been run continues to permit a
         maximum of 77 characters in the system tables mentioned
         previously, and an ER_USER_COLUMN_OLD_LENGTH error will
         occur in those system table contexts where a
         user_name@host_name value from 78 to 93 characters long
         is given.

     Audit Log Notes

       * The audit_log plugin that forms the basis for MySQL
         Enterprise Audit now supports fine-grained filtering of
         events. This enables a reduction in the number of log
         entries written to the audit log file, which increases
         overall performance due to fewer write operations during
         log recording. It also simplifies subsequent audit log
         processing in terms of readability and processing time.
         Fine-grained audit log filtering is rule based,
         implemented using tables that store rule definitions and
         a set of user-defined functions (UDFs) that enable rule
         manipulation. To simplify installing the tables and UDFs
         along with the audit_log plugin, an installation script
         is now provided. For more information, see Installing or
         Uninstalling MySQL Enterprise Audit
         ation.html), and Audit Log Filtering
         By default, rule-based audit log filtering logs no
         auditable events for any users. This differs from
         pre-MySQL 5.7.13 legacy audit log filtering, which logs
         all auditable events for all users. To produce
         log-everything behavior with rule-based filtering, see
         the installation instructions.

     Configuration Notes

       * On platforms for which systemd support is installed,
         systemd has the capability of managing multiple MySQL
         instances. For details, see Configuring Multiple MySQL
         Instances Using systemd
         Consequently, mysqld_multi and mysqld_multi.server are
         not installed because they are unnecessary. (Bug #81093,
         Bug #23134620)

     Security Notes

       * The linked OpenSSL library for the MySQL Commercial
         Server has been updated to version 1.0.1t. Issues fixed
         in the new version are described at
         This change does not affect the Oracle-produced MySQL
         Community build of MySQL Server, which uses the yaSSL
         library instead. (Bug #23229564)

       * MySQL Server now includes an SQL interface for keyring
         key management, implemented as a set of user-defined
         functions (UDFs) that access the functions provided by
         the internal keyring service. For more information, see
         Keyring Key Management Functions
         ). For information about the keyring service functions
         invoked by the UDFs, see The Keyring Service
         tml). For general keyring information, see The MySQL

     Functionality Added or Changed

       * For better separation of output from multiple statements,
         mysqltest now flushes output sent to stdout when the
         output destination is not a file. Previously, flushing
         occurred only for file output. (Bug #21435906)

       * support-files/MacOSX/ReadMe.txt is no longer included in
         MySQL distributions. (Bug #81038, Bug #23088916)

       * The version of the tcmalloc library included in MySQL
         distributions was very old. It has been removed and is no
         longer included with MySQL. (Bug #80994, Bug #23068660)

       * The my_make_scrambled_password() function in the C client
         library was restricted earlier in MySQL 5.7 (not exported
         to client programs). The function has once again been
         made visible to client programs. (Bug #80974, Bug

       * It is possible to use ALTER TABLE to change the default
         value of a column col_name, which may change the value of
         a generated column expression that refers to the column
         using DEFAULT(col_name). For this reason, ALTER TABLE
         operations that change the definition of a column now
         cause a table rebuild if any generated column expression
         uses DEFAULT(). (Bug #80299, Bug #22680839)

       * This release adds an unquoting extraction operator ->>,
         sometimes also referred to as an inline path operator,
         for use with JSON documents stored in MySQL. The new
         operator is similar to the -> operator, but performs JSON
         unquoting of the value as well. For a JSON column mycol
         and JSON path expression mypath, the following three
         expressions are equivalent:

            + JSON_UNQUOTE( JSON_EXTRACT(mycol, "$.mypath") )

            + JSON_UNQUOTE(mycol->"$.mypath")

            + mycol->>"$.mypath"
         The ->> operator can be used in SQL statements wherever
         JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT()) would be allowed. This
         includes (but is not limited to) SELECT lists, WHERE and
         HAVING clauses, and ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses.
         For more information, see Functions That Search JSON
         ions.html), and JSON Path Syntax
         html). (Bug #78736, Bug #21980346)

     Bugs Fixed

       * InnoDB: A rollback operation run concurrently with an
         operation involving a generated virtual column caused a
         server exit. (Bug #23313102)
         References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #21869656.

       * InnoDB: Potential buffer overflow issues were corrected
         for the InnoDB memcached plugin. (Bug #23187607)

       * InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE operation that added an
         AUTO_INCREMENT column on a table with virtual columns
         raised an assertion. (Bug #23052231)

       * InnoDB: Statements executed in a transaction that was
         rolled back asynchronously by a higher priority
         transaction caused a deadlock error and subsequent
         replication failure. (Bug #23021168, Bug #80898)

       * InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE operation that attempted to add a
         generated virtual column and a full-text index raised an
         assertion. (Bug #23014521)

       * InnoDB: The full-text index cache was freed during a
         background index cache synchronization. (Bug #22996488)

       * InnoDB: A full-text index operation raised an assertion.
         (Bug #22963169)

       * InnoDB: Memory was allocated to I/O slots unnecessarily,
         causing an apparent memory leak. (Bug #22956469, Bug

       * InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE operation raised an assertion when
         attempting to create a key containing a generated column.
         (Bug #22951879)

       * InnoDB: A startup failure due to an invalid option
         resulted in a server exit after a subsequent restart. An
         error returned by the innobase_start_or_create_for_mysql
         function was not checked. (Bug #22939581, Bug #80761)

       * InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE ... IMPORT TABLESPACE operation on
         file-per-table tablespace containing an encrypted table
         failed when run in a different session than the preceding
         ALTER TABLE ... DISCARD TABLESPACE operation. (Bug
         #22918999, Bug #80708)

       * InnoDB: A FLUSH TABLES operation on a table with a
         discarded tablespace raised an assertion. (Bug #22899690,
         Bug #80669)

       * InnoDB: A DML operation involving a table with a virtual
         column raised an assertion. (Bug #22899305)

       * InnoDB: An invalid read at innobase_get_computed_value()
         raised a Valgrind error. (Bug #22898168, Bug #80667)

       * InnoDB: Online DDL operations like ALTER TABLE ... ADD
         INDEX were not permitted for tables created with the
         ENCRYPTION attribute. (Bug #22897921)

       * InnoDB: InnoDB memcached code assumed the nonexistence of
         the htonll() function on OS X, resulting in a build
         failure on OS X 10.10 and later. (Bug #22865112)

       * InnoDB: Starting the server in read-only mode failed when
         encrypted tables were present. The call to
         fil_encryption_rotate() was not skipped when the server
         was started in read-only mode. (Bug #22723797)

       * InnoDB: An R-tree purge operation raised an assertion.
         (Bug #22698076, Bug #80327)

       * InnoDB: An INSERT operation on a table with a FULLTEXT
         index and FTS_DOC_ID column failed because the inserted
         FTS_DOC_ID value exceeded the permitted gap between
         consecutive FTS_DOC_ID values. To avoid this problem, the
         permitted gap between the largest used FTS_DOC_ID value
         and new FTS_DOC_ID value was raised from 10000 to 65535.
         (Bug #22679185)

       * InnoDB: Validation code for transparent page compression
         incorrectly permitted innodb_strict_mode=OFF, which
         allowed the COMPRESSION attribute to be applied to a
         general tablespace. Page compression is only supported
         with file-per-table tablespaces. (Bug #22615096, Bug

       * InnoDB: An memory order issue related to atomic
         operations caused assertion failures on ARM64 and POWER
         platforms. (Bug #22608616)

       * InnoDB: DROP TABLESPACE returned an error if the remote
         general tablespace data file was missing. (Bug #22232892,
         Bug #79330)

       * InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE operation that changed table row
         format from COMPACT to COMPRESSED raised an assertion. A
         function involved in the operation passed incorrect page
         size information. (Bug #22046353)

       * InnoDB: With innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=0, multiple threads
         waiting for a table-level lock caused an unexpected
         deadlock. (Bug #21983865, Bug #78761)

       * InnoDB: A race condition in trx_kill_blocking() raised an
         assertion. (Bug #21508537)

       * InnoDB: An OPTIMIZE TABLE operation on a table with a
         full-text index raised an assertion. (Bug #21378944)

       * InnoDB: A buffer pool load operation resulted in a
         "Cannot allocate 0 bytes" error. (Bug #21371070)

       * InnoDB: A FLUSH TABLES ... FOR EXPORT operation appeared
         to stall. A loop in the ibuf_contract_in_background
         function failed to exit. (Bug #21133329, Bug #77011)

       * InnoDB: A full-text query raised an assertion. Under
         certain circumstances, DDL operations such as ALTER TABLE
         ... RENAME caused full-text auxiliary tables to be
         removed on server restart. (Bug #13651665)

       * Replication: With gtid_mode=ON, executing an empty query
         before setting gtid_next made the latter action fail. It
         was because only statements that do not change the data
         can be executed before one can successfully change
         gtid_next, and an empty query was not considered one of
         those "safe" statements. This fix allows the setting of
         gtid_next after an empty query. (Bug #22811150)

       * Replication: Slaves running MySQL 5.7 could not connect
         to a MySQL 5.5 master due to an error retrieving the
         server_uuid, which is not part of MySQL 5.5. This was
         caused by changes in the method of retrieving the
         server_uuid. (Bug #22748612)
         References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #21455603.

       * Replication: Setting certain semisynchronous-replication
         configurations on the master server when semisynchronous
         replication was not enabled on it might cause the server
         to exit. This fix prevents the unexpected exits to occur
         in the situation. (Bug #22602324)

       * Replication: The variable explicit_defaults_ts was not
         initialized during the construction of a Query_event
         object. That caused Valgrind warnings for dependency on
         an uninitialized variable. This fix makes sure the
         variable is initialized. (Bug #22110916, Bug #78999)
         References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #18885916,
         Bug #72794.

       * Replication: In the next_event() function, which is
         called by a slave's SQL thread to read the next even from
         the relay log, the SQL thread did not release the
         relaylog.log_lock it acquired when it ran into an error
         (for example, due to a closed relay log), causing all
         other threads waiting to acquire a lock on the relay log
         to hang. With this fix, the lock is released before the
         SQL thread leaves the function under the situation. (Bug
         References: See also: Bug #20492319.

       * Replication: A partially failed statement was not
         correctly consuming an auto-generated or specified GTID
         when binary logging was disabled. The fix ensures that a
         partially failed DROP TABLE, a partially failed DROP USER
         or a partially failed DROP VIEW consume respectively the
         relevant GTID and save it into @@GLOBAL.GTID_EXECUTED and
         mysql.gtid_executed table when binary logging is
         disabled. (Bug #21686749)

       * Replication: An intermittent ASan error was being
         reported on the rpl.rpl_checksum_cache test. The error
         reported was related to the binary log sender doing a
         heap-use-after-free on a given memory address. (Bug
         #78995, Bug #22109863)

       * Replication: mysqldump has been updated to make it
         compatible with multi-source replication. Now when
         replication channels other than the default channel are
         found, mysqldump --dump-slave outputs a CHANGE MASTER TO
         statement for each replication channel. (Bug #78467, Bug

       * Replication: If a multi-threaded replication slave
         running with relay_log_recovery=1 stopped unexpectedly,
         during restart the relay log recovery process could fail.
         This was due to transaction inconsistencies not being
         filled, see Handling an Unexpected Halt of a Replication
         ions-unexpected-slave-halt.html). Prior to this fix, to
         recover from this situation required manually setting
         relay_log_recovery=0, starting the slave with START SLAVE
         UNTIL SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS to fix any transaction
         inconsistencies and then restarting the slave with
         relay_log_recovery=1. This process has now been
         automated, enabling relay log recovery of a
         multi-threaded slave upon restart automatically. (Bug
         #77496, Bug #21507981)

       * Fedora builds now are configured using
         -DMYSQL_MAINTAINER_MODE=0 to silence GCC 6 warnings. (Bug

       * Allocation of a large number (2^20) of Performance Schema
         index statistic objects could cause a server exit. (Bug

       * If the keyring_okv plugin configuration directory was
         missing, attempts to rotate the InnoDB master key could
         cause a server exit. (Bug #23149683)

         table with a foreign key constraint defined failed with
         an incorrect "duplicate entry" error rather than a
         foreign key constraint violation error. (Bug #23135731)
         References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #78853,
         Bug #22037930.

       * Contention in Performance Schema mutex instrumentation
         creation and destruction has been reduced, such that
         mutexes for which instruments are frequently created and
         destroyed are maintained in separate pages from those for
         which instruments are rarely created and destroyed. (Bug

       * With certain build options, an uninitialized variable in
         get_key_scans_params() could produce a compilation error.
         (Bug #22916059)

       * Adding new tokens to the parser caused query digest
         values to change. (Bug #22906606)

       * For debug builds, CONCAT_WS() could raise an assertion if
         there was nothing to append. (Bug #22888420)

       * Fixed Valgrind warnings for failed LEAST() evaluations.
         (Bug #22883278)

       * INET_NTOA() could cause a server exit when producing an
         error message. (Bug #22881810)
         References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #22042027.

       * The my_write() call could cause a server exit if it
         attempted to check the current connection and the
         connection had been killed. (Bug #22867809)
         References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #21688407.

       * Invoking Enterprise Encryption functions in multiple
         threads simultaneously could cause a server exit. (Bug

       * Setting log_syslog_tag to NULL could cause a server exit.
         (Bug #22834781)
         References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #22180046.

       * If the expression for an indexed generated column
         contained an AND or OR operator, the optimizer could
         choose that index too often and create execution plans
         that produced incorrect results. (Bug #22810883)

       * CREATE TABLE statements in mysqlpump output could be
         missing KEY clauses and would not load. (Bug #22726732)

       * Attempting to use Enterprise Encryption functions after
         creating and dropping them could cause a server exit.
         (Bug #22669012)

       * Setting sort_buffer_size to a very large value could
         cause some operations to fail and result in a server
         exit. (Bug #22594514)

       * For an InnoDB table containing generated columns, using
         the table in a join could result in a server exit due to
         improper error checking. (Bug #22561845)

       * REPLACE on a table with an indexed generated column could
         cause a server exit if the index prefix length was
         calculated incorrectly. (Bug #22445211)

       * An UPDATE operation affecting a generated virtual BLOB
         column could cause a server exit. (Bug #22444212)

       * SHOW CREATE TABLE for a table containing a generated
         column could cause a server exit or produce an Illegal
         mix of collations error. (Bug #22392268)

       * On a slave server, replication of an UPDATE statement
         that updated an indexed BLOB virtual generated column of
         an InnoDB table could cause a server exit. (Bug

       * An assertion could be raised when a deadlock occurred due
         to a SELECT ... GROUP BY ... FOR UPDATE query executed
         using a Loose Index Scan. (Bug #22187476)

       * mysqlpump could exit due to improper handling of error
         conditions in a dump thread. (Bug #22017120)

       * Several potential buffer overflow issues were corrected.
         (Bug #21977380, Bug #23187436, Bug #23202778, Bug
         #23195370, Bug #23202699)

       * If the CA certificate as given to the --ssl-ca option had
         an invalid path, yaSSL returned an error message
         different from OpenSSL. Now both return SSL connection
         error: SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths failed. (Bug

       * Installing MySQL from a yum or zypper repository resulted
         in /var/log/mysqld.log being created with incorrect user
         and group permissions. (Bug #21879694, Bug #78512)

       * With show_compatibility_56=OFF, SHOW VARIABLES and SHOW
         STATUS statements having a WHERE clause did not work.
         (Bug #21783883)

       * The audit_log plugin failed to abort the current
         operation when told to do so by a plugin handler for a
         MYSQL_AUDIT_PARSE_PREPARSE event. (Bug #21457956)

       * Memory leaks reported by Valgrind for mysqlpump were
         fixed. (Bug #21237667)

       * Some string functions returned one or a combination of
         their parameters as their result. If one of the
         parameters had a non-ASCII character set, the result
         string had the same character set, resulting in incorrect
         behavior when an ASCII string was expected. (Bug

       * On Fedora 24, upgrades using a Community MySQL Server RPM
         failed to replace an installed MariaDB Galera server due
         to a change in the MariaDB package. (Bug #81390, Bug

       * The mysql_read_defaults_options() function was missing a
         break statement, causing any option value for the
         --ssl-cipher option also to be applied to the
         --tls-version option, with unpredictable results. (Bug
         #81139, Bug #23129821)

       * A DELETE from joined tables using a derived table in the
         WHERE clause failed if one of the joined tables was used
         in the derived table. (Bug #81014, Bug #23074801)

       * Compiling of clients that used the MySQL C API could fail
         if they used an obsolete path to mysql.h or
         <mysql/mysql.> and did not set the include path. This was
         due to use of #include <file_name> notation rather than
         #include "file_name" in internal MySQL header files,
         which have been adjusted. (Bug #80935, Bug #23047194)

       * MySQL did not compile under Solaris 12 using Sun Studio.
         To correct this, instances of __attribute__ were changed
         to MY_ATTRIBUTE. (Bug #80748, Bug #22932576)

       * The service_mysql_keyring.h and services.h header files
         misspelled mysql_keyring_service_st as
         mysql_keyring_file_service_st. (Bug #80688, Bug

       * The fix for Bug #79194 did not cover the eq_ref access
         method, with the result that left joins could return
         incorrect results.
         This bug fix has a very small negative performance effect
         such that it fails to cache an eq_ref-accessed row that
         is on the inner side of an outer join. Regular inner
         joins are not affected.
         (Bug #80526, Bug #22833364)
         References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #79194,
         Bug #22176604.

       * The sanity() macro in strings/decimal.c produced Valgrind
         warnings due to reading uninitialized buffer contents.
         (Bug #80461, Bug #22782203, Bug #22839915)

       * Starting the server with --initialize failed if the
         keyring_file_data system variable was also set at
         startup. To handle this, with --initialize the server no
         longer skips registration of plugins loaded with the
         --early-plugin-load option. (Bug #80451, Bug #22777039)

       * Loading the Rewriter query rewrite plugin when there was
         no query_rewrite database resulted in Valgrind warnings.
         (Bug #80333, Bug #22710312)

       * The optimizer transformed EXISTS (SELECT * ...)
         constructs to EXISTS (SELECT 1 ...) before all columns in
         the inner subquery had been resolved, which could result
         in rejection of valid queries that included a HAVING
         clause without GROUP BY in the subquery. (Bug #80231, Bug

       * For a server compiled with
         -DWITH_PERFSCHEMA_STORAGE_ENGINE=0, a memory leak could
         occur for buffered log messages used during server
         startup. (Bug #80089, Bug #22578574)

       * A query could return incorrect results under these
         conditions: A column with a default value contained NULL;
         SELECT DISTINCT or a GROUP BY clause was used and the
         column containing the NULL value was part of the select
         list; an InnoDB temporary table was used during query
         processing. (Bug #79591, Bug #22343910)

       * A null pointer dereference of a parser structure could
         occur during stored procedure name validation. (Bug
         #79396, Bug #22286421)

       * Database initialization failed during installation using
         Ubuntu 15.10 packages. (Bug #79377, Bug #22252900)

       * mysql_upgrade failed to widen the User and Proxied_user
         columns in the mysql.proxies_priv system table from 16 to
         32 characters. (Bug #78254, Bug #21762656)

       * Failure of UNINSTALL PLUGIN could lead to inaccurate or
         confusing errors for subsequent INSTALL PLUGIN
         operations. (Bug #74977, Bug #20085672)

       * mysqld_multi displayed misleading error messages when it
         was unable to execute my_print_defaults. (Bug #74636, Bug

       * Previously, upgrading the server using an RPM package
         (including installation using yum) required upgrading the
         client package to the same MySQL version, which may be
         undesirable for some installations. This rule has been
         relaxed so that upgrading to a General Availability (GA)
         server version requires only that some GA client version
         be installed, which is less likely to require a client
         upgrade. (Bug #72230, Bug #18518216)

       * mysqldump failed silently with no error message when it
         encountered an error while executing FLUSH LOGS. (Bug
         #71783, Bug #18284273)

On Behalf of the MySQL/ORACLE RE Team
Hery Ramilison

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