Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/J 6.0.3 m2 Development Release is a developer milestone
release for the 6.0.x series.

It is the second public release of the current Connector/J 6.0 development
branch, providing an insight to upcoming features. Although some of
these are still under development, this release includes the following
new features and changes, also described in more detail on

As always, we recommend that you check the "CHANGES" file in the download
archive to be aware of changes in behavior that might affect your application.


Changes in MySQL Connector/J 6.0.3 m2 (2016-06-24)

     Functionality Added or Changed

       * For MySQL server 5.7.5 and later, the EOF packet in the
         MySQL server/client protocol has been deprecated and
         replaced by the OK packet. The change is now supported by
         Connector/J. (Bug #23212347)

       * SSL is now supported for connections to a MySQL server
         using the X Protocol. (Bug #21532788)

       * The following objects are no longer extensions of the
         Extension interface, but get their own implementations
         now, which reduces their dependencies on other objects:

            + BalanceStrategy

            + ProfilerEventHandler

            + AuthenticationPlugin

     Bugs Fixed

       * An excessive amount of memory was used when the
         connection properties enablePacketDebug and traceProtocol
         were both set to "true." (Bug #23535571)

       * Connector/J hung, returned a NullPointerException, or
         returned an incorrect exception when using result sets
         with the properties TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and
         CONCUR_UPDATABLE. It was due to an inaccurate check for
         the cursor for the result set. This fix makes sure
         Connector/J checks accurately on whether a cursor has
         been requested, both when executing a statement and
         fetching its results. (Bug #23201930)

       * When using server-side prepared statements with
         profileSQL=true and useInformationSchema=true, an
         SQLException (" ResultSet is from UPDATE. No Data")
         occurred when the client tried to advance to the next row
         in the result set. This was due to a failure of an
         internal query for metadata, which is now prevented by
         this fix. (Bug #23188498)

       * The download package for Connector/J 6.0.2 Milestone 1
         contained the Developer Guide for the wrong version of
         Connector/J. (Bug #23111273, Bug #81089)

       * A NullPointerException occurred in due to a race
         condition when there were more than 2000 concurrent
         connections taking place. (Bug #23044312)

       * getTimestamp() returned wrong value for the fractional
         part of a TIME or DATETIME field. (Bug #22932078)

       * LoadBalanceConnectionGroupManager.removeHost() was not
         removing hosts as expected. This fix tries to ensure that
         host removals will be successful under different
         situations. (Bug #22848249)
         References: See also: Bug #22678872.

       * For a load-balanced connection, an
         ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException was thrown when
         ConnectionGroupManager.removeHost() was called. It was
         due to an error in
         LoadBalancedConnectionProxy.removeHost(), which has now
         been fixed. (Bug #22730682)

       * A Fabric connection threw a NullPointerException when all
         hosts have been removed from its host list, or when the
         internal load-balanced connection became null due to
         inconsistency of the replication connection. This fix
         adds to Connector/J the abilities to handle those
         situations. Also, a new connection property,
         loadBalanceHostRemovalGracePeriod, has been introduced,
         which sets the grace period for waiting to remove the
         currently active host from a load-balanced connection.
         See the entry for the new property in Driver/Datasource
         Class Names, URL Syntax and Configuration Properties for
         reference-configuration-properties.html) for details.
         (Bug #22678872)
         References: See also: Bug #22848249.

       * With some Tomcat web applications, when Connector/J
         connects to the server with useLegacyDatetimeCode=false
         without setting serverTimeZone, a NullPointerException
         was returned. This was because the timezone property file
         for Connector/J was loaded by the bootstrap class loader,
         which did not know the location of the property file and
         thus failed to load it. This fix avoids the problem by
         making Connector/J use the same class loader for both the
         property file and the Connector/J classes. (Bug
         #22353759, Bug #79343)

       * After a failed call of a stored procedure, any subsequent
         X DevAPI call resulted in a hang. (Bug #22038729)

       * At every connection, Connector/J got the sql_mode
         variable from the server and tried to parse it as a
         number; because sql_mode is not a number (except for very
         old versions of MySQL), an NumberFormatException was
         always thrown and then caught by the code. This fix
         refactored the code to avoid the unnecessary throwing and
         catching of the error. (Bug #21181466, Bug #77171)

       * The exception message in CallableStatement() for
         incorrect output parameter registration gave little
         detail and the wrong error code. (Bug #18068303, Bug

       * On very fast servers with other third-party components
         accessing the data, a ConcurrentModificationException was
         sometimes thrown. This fix prevents the exception by
         adding a synchronization to
         ConnectionImpl.closeAllOpenStatements(), and by
         refactoring part of the code inside the method. (Bug
         #16736619, Bug #59462)

       * When working with MySQL server 5.5 and 5.6, because
         Connector/J did not check the version number of the
         server it was connected to, errors and failures occurred
         when there was an attempt to use certain
         version-dependent features (for example, using fractional
         seconds for servers earlier than 5.6.4). With this fix,
         the proper exceptions are thrown in those cases.


Reporting Bugs
We welcome and appreciate your feedback and bug reports:

On Behalf of the MySQL/ORACLE RE Team
Hery Ramilison

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