On MySQL manual one reads:

"Here are some open issues for anyone who might want to help us with the
Windows release:

   * Make a single-user `MYSQL.DLL' server.  This should include
     everything in a standard *MySQL* server, except thread creation.
     This will make *MySQL* much easier to use in applications that
     don't need a true client/server and don't need to access the
     server from other hosts."

That would make my life just perfect for 2 or 3 projects that I am running. Does 
anyone knows if someone has actually tried to do it? If not, could anyone point me out 
where to start from?


Tiago Luchini
Diretor Técnico-Comercial
Galluch Soluções Internet
Telefax: 11 6912 3255
Celular: 11 3176 7740

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