Hey! guys!

I wanted a little help on the following : ..

I have 2 tables : one task and the other tasksequence

desc task  : (primary key taskId, varchar taskdesc) 
desc tasksequence (primary key (taskId,milestoneId))

Now the query I want to form should give me a list of all taskIds in table task
excluding the taskIds frm tasksequence..( a result set of >15 rows(taskIds))

Can somebody help me with this ??...I have developed a quick fix for this :

-- capture the resultset of all the taskIds in tasksequence , as a string 

--and then :  "select taskId from task where taskId not in (taskIdsString)"

Its working , but is the same not possible with left/right or natural Joins??..i 
believe mysql doesn't allow for sub queries (making my task a little painful)
Is there another more clean way to do this ??...

Hoping for a response at the earliest!! :)
Thanks and regds,

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