Hello. My name is Mike. I am writing a C++ program to access a MySQL database. I 
have MySQL-3.23.36 server running on Linux Mandrake 8.0. I downloaded mysql++-1.7.9 
version from the internet and installed it successfully. When I try to compile my C++ 
program using:
  g++ /usr/local/lib/libsqlplus.so - it compiles ,but after typing a.out to run my 
program it gives me such an error message:
  a.out: error while loading shared libraries: libsqlplus.so.1: cannot load shared 
object file:
 No such file or directory.
   I don't know how to fix this problem. I tried from mysql manual pages by entering 
my login and password, but I couldn't get any information. Please if anybody could 
help me I would appreciate that. Thank you.

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