Thanks, regarding the PHP info. 

What I need to know is:
1. what would the create table statment look like in Mysql.
2. Should I use a longblob based on my 100k .gif size?

3. Is one column with the gifs enough. Or should I add a autoincremented
 primary key?
4. Is it better to have a seperate table for this or, is it better to
update my existing table, and add a blob column. Does it matter in terms
of speed of queries?


Werner Stuerenburg wrote:
> Generally, it is not advised to add pictures to tables. See
> We had this question here some days ago, so it may ge a good idea
> to discuss at length possible problems why people won't like this
> approach of storing pics as files.
> WARNING: this is _not_ MySQL specific. You may want to stop
> reading here.
> 2nd WARNING: I will also show what can be done with all that
> information to arrive at some kind of content management
> wizardry. After all, people do use MySQL to do something with it,
> and many seem to manage pictures. So here it goes.
> If you let people upload images with php (which is built in and
> really easy) you will receive the images in, say some sort of tmp
> dir. You will have to move them in your code to a separate
> storage dir, as php will automatically delete the tmp files (see
> manual).
> Now php is part of httpd and that runs as nobody, so it cannot
> write to that storage dir unless you open that dir to nobody.
> This will be ok as you use this dir only for the purpose of
> storing those third party images. You may protect it in addition
> with .htaccess or move it out of the normal dir tree if you are a
> little paranoid.
> Now you can store the images as files with no problem and only
> note the filename and type or such (for example comments of the
> user to the picture) in the database. When you upload, you move
> the file, so this is a good point to record the file in your
> table. Once you are at it, you can retrieve the dimensions of
> that image with php function getImageSize and store them in your
> table together with the type as well. So now you know everything
> about this file you need for inclusion in your html code.
> Hence you write yourself a function, say getImgCode, which
> produces the html tags from this info, so you can insert the
> whole stuff into your code without any further thought like
> ...
> <?php getImgCode(firstNameOfMyPicture) ?>
> ...
> You may even go a step further if you are in at content
> production. Let's assume the user uploads any text and pictures.
> The user is instructed to embed their pics with special syntax
> like
> ... stuff stuff stuff *MyImageFirstName* stuff stuff stuff ...
> You later insert the image with
> $content = preg_replace("/\*(\w+)\*/e", "getImgCode($1)", $content);
> This example is taken from
> (I developed a content management system along these lines on my
> own, but this is just stunning - an incentive to learn the art of
> regular expressions).
> Sie schrieben am Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2001, 19:42:08:
> > Hi, I'm new to blobs.
> > I want to create a seperate table that will hold blob's or pictures.
> > Each picture will be a .gif and will not exceed 100k in size.
> > each image will be called, ord.gif, bar.gif, cmi,gif, lax.gif, jfk.gif,
> > ord.gif, etc.
> > The questions I had were
> > 1. what would the create table statment look like.
> > 2. Should I use a longblob based on my 100k .gif size?
> > 3. Is one column with the gifs enough. Or should I add a autoincremented
> > primary key?
> > 4. Is it better to have a seperate table for this or, is it better to
> > update my existing table, and add a blob column. Does it matter in terms
> > of speed of queries?
> > Queries will be done via php.
> > Thanks!
> > Pete
> --
> Herzlich
> Werner Stuerenburg
> _________________________________________________
> ISIS Verlag, Teut 3, D-32683 Barntrup-Alverdissen
> Tel 0(049) 5224-997 407 · Fax 0(049) 5224-997 409

Pete Kuczynski
Sr. Field Engineer
DHL Airways Inc.
Infrastructure Technology & Services
24/7 Helpdesk 1-800-434-5767
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