Hi all:

I compiled mysql 3.23.40 and I got the followin result after make test. All tests 
passed except merge. I am not sure what to make of the dump ... I am hoping that 
someone may be able to tell me if it is critical and if there's a solution. I have not 
make install yet because I am not sure whether this is a critical error. 

I am running Sparc solaris 2.5.1 and I compiled it with gcc 2.95.3. my configure line 
is as follows:
 CC=gcc CFLAGS="-O3" \
CXX=gcc CXXFLAGS="-O3 -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti" \
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql --with-debug --enable-assembler

ANy help will be greatly appreciated.


group_by                      0.19     0.27     1.36       [ pass ]
having                        0.09     0.30     0.55       [ pass ]
heap                          0.13     0.35     1.39       [ pass ]
innodb                        ....     ....     ....       [ skipped ]
ins000001                     0.14     0.23     0.53       [ pass ]
insert                        0.10     0.26     0.55       [ pass ]
insert_select                 0.14     0.26     0.61       [ pass ]
isolation                     ....     ....     ....       [ skipped ]
join                          0.09     0.32     0.74       [ pass ]
join_crash                    0.09     0.29     1.05       [ pass ]
join_outer                    0.26     0.34     3.53       [ pass ]
key                           0.18     0.27     1.25       [ pass ]
key_diff                      0.14     0.26     0.55       [ pass ]
key_primary                   0.14     0.28     0.54       [ pass ]
keywords                      0.13     0.26     0.55       [ pass ]
kill                          0.12     0.28     5.57       [ pass ]
limit                         0.17     0.22     0.66       [ pass ]
lock                          0.14     0.28     9.07       [ pass ]
merge                         ....     ....     ....       [ fail ]

Below are the diffs between actual and expected results:
*** r/merge.result      Thu Jul 19 00:29:24 2001
--- r/merge.reject      Sun Jul 22 20:16:05 2001
*** 6,17 ****
  2     table
  3     t2
  a     b
- 3     t1
- 3     t2
- 2     table
- 2     table
  1     Testing
  1     Testing
  table type    possible_keys   key     key_len ref     rows    Extra
  t3    range   a       a       4       NULL    10      where used
  table type    possible_keys   key     key_len ref     rows    Extra
--- 6,17 ----
  2     table
  3     t2
  a     b
  1     Testing
  1     Testing
+ 1     Testing
+ 1     Testing
+ 1     Testing
+ 1     Testing
  table type    possible_keys   key     key_len ref     rows    Extra
  t3    range   a       a       4       NULL    10      where used
  table type    possible_keys   key     key_len ref     rows    Extra
*** 106,114 ****
  incr  othr
  incr  othr
  1     10
! 2     24
! 4     33
! 3     53
--- 106,114 ----
  incr  othr
  incr  othr
  1     10
! 1     10
! 1     10
! 1     10
Please follow the instructions outlined at
to find the reason to this problem and how to report this.

Ending Tests
Shutting-down MySQL daemon

Master shutdown finished
Slave shutdown finished
Starting MySQL daemon
Resuming Tests

myisam                        0.12     0.29     0.57       [ pass ]
null                          0.14     0.26     0.60       [ pass ]
null_key                      0.18     0.29     1.07       [ pass ]
odbc                          0.11     0.29     0.58       [ pass ]
order_by                      0.17     0.26     1.77       [ pass ]
outfile                       0.14     0.26     0.47       [ pass ]
overflow                      0.15     0.23     0.46       [ pass ]
raid                          ....     ....     ....       [ skipped ]

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