Hi Heitzso,

Thanks for your suggestion, and in the absence of feedback from anybody else
I suspect you're probably right.  The system this thing is running on is a
vastly outdated P150 with 128MB.

I was hoping that I could do a little trick with the tables to optimize the
queries a little more and get just that bit more life out of an old system,
but I guess with a table this size I'm just hitting a hardware related wall
and the only thing to do is fork out some cash on a new 1.2GHz system or
something :(

... Unless anybody has any other ideas?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Heitzso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 3:03 AM
Subject: Re: SELECT MIN(field) takes minutes on a large table!

> I apologize in advance for jumping in with a hardware suggestion,
> but I just joined the list to sort out some similar questions.
> Our production sql server (Microsoft's) is sitting on a box
> that's now outdated w/ 2 200mhz processors and maybe .5G
> of RAM.  A query that takes 30 seconds on that box takes
> 10-11 seconds on my desktop 1mhz 1G system (both Win systems).
> I've been arguing that hardware is cheap nowadays (just
> upgraded memory of my personal workstation to 1.5G
> for $320) and that sometimes that's the easier route.
> I ack that the elegant software solution is a good thing
> and we need to know how to optimize index/query etc.
> and that you cannot always throw hardware
> at a problem, but wanted to toss that out as a possible
> reasonable short term solution for Dan.
> BTW, mysql runs the same query on that 1G desktop
> in 7 seconds or 3 seconds faster than Microsoft's SQL Server.
> Heitzso
> >Dan Makovec wrote:
> >
> >>Hi folks,
> >>
> >>Wondering if anybody can help me with this one.
> >>
> >>I've got a table with 6.2 million rows in it, and MySQL seems to be
straining a bit with it.  It's a basic table storing stock trading prices:
> >>
> >>+--------+-------------+------+-----+------------+-------+
> >>| Field  | Type        | Null | Key | Default    | Extra |
> >>+--------+-------------+------+-----+------------+-------+
> >>| date   | date        |      | PRI | 0000-00-00 |       |
> >>| symbol | char(10)    |      | PRI |            |       |
> >>| open   | float(10,2) |      |     | 0.00       |       |
> >>| close  | float(10,2) |      |     | 0.00       |       |
> >>| high   | float(10,2) |      |     | 0.00       |       |
> >>| low    | float(10,2) |      |     | 0.00       |       |
> >>| volume | int(11)     |      |     | 0          |       |
> >>+--------+-------------+------+-----+------------+-------+
> >>7 rows in set (0.03 sec)
> >>
> >>Creation command:
> >>CREATE TABLE stockmarket (
> >>  date date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
> >>  symbol char(10) NOT NULL default '',
> >>  open float(10,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
> >>  close float(10,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
> >>  high float(10,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
> >>  low float(10,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
> >>  volume int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
> >>  PRIMARY KEY  (date,symbol),
> >>  KEY symbol_date_index (symbol(4),date),
> >>  KEY date_index (date)
> >>
> >>I've put an index on date and symbol combined, and tried putting one on
just date.
> >>
> >>I try to run the following query:
> >>
> >>select min(date) from stockmarket where symbol='abc'
> >>
> >>The query returns me an answer in 30 seconds.  Is there a way I can
optimize the table, or approach from a new query direction, to dramatically
improve search times?
> >>
> >>TIA for your help.
> >>
> >>Cheerio,
> >>d.
> >>
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