I am having a problem with MySQL. I am seeking some advice on either what is wrong
>or how to pursue the cause of this bug.
>I am using Perl DBI to interface with MySQL and when i execute the
>following statement:
>$dbh = DBI-connect('DBI:mysql:database=dbmysql2', undef, undef,
>{PrintError =0}) || die $ DBI::errstr;
>it causes the error:
>[Fri Aug 17 09:59:50 2001] productioncontent14.pl: Access denied for user:
>to database 'dbmysql2' at productioncontent14.pl line 29,  line 1
>the dbi connect is being invoked by a perl program which is run from the
>command line.
>when i execute the above DBI-connect statement with my MySQL userid and
>password it works fine.
>i have MySQL (not unix) root level privileges. for performance and
>security reasons i prefer to execute the version of the connect which is
>i am running MySQL as described below:
>Server version 3.23.36
>Protocol version 10
>Connection Localhost via UNIX socket
>UNIX socket /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
>i am running Perl 5.6 and Red Hat 7.1 Linux 2.4.3-12 
>i checked that i have access to mysql.sock
>in addition to a my local host with my user name which is fully
>privileged, i currently show local host with no user name and no password
>in the mysql user table and with no privileges. i tried, as mysql root, to
>grant all privileges to localhost, which has no user name, via the sql command:
>grant all privileges on *  to "%@localhost";
>this resulted in a user table entry of no host name, a user name of
>"%@localhost" and no privileges. this didn't seem useful so i deleted the
>new user name, "%localhost" from all of the mysql security tables.

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