i have been running 3.22.25 on solaris 7 for quite a while.  i ran into a 
problem with it a few days ago where it basically took forever to delete 
rows (these are huge tables - several million rows, with lots of indexes, 
and i needed to delete some millions of rows... i started it, and let it 
run for over 25 hours before giving up and pulling the plug on it.)

anyway i decided to upgrade to the latest & greatest to see if it could 
handle the load better.  i installed the binary distribution of 3.23.42 for 
solaris 2.7 (sparc).

i am running into a problem now where the database server locks up 
totally.  it is repeatable.

the sequence of events looks like this:

start mysqld with the following arguments:

/space/mysql/bin/mysqld --datadir=/space/mysql/data --user=mysql -l

a sequence of queries resembling this runs:

010914 15:51:06       3 Connect     [EMAIL PROTECTED] on page2
                       3 Query       SELECT url1,url2,url3,id FROM url 
WHERE site='vgs'
                       3 Query       INSERT INTO dates (date) VALUES 
                       3 Query       INSERT INTO dates (date) VALUES 
010914 15:51:07       3 Query       INSERT INTO url (site,url1,url2,url3) 
VALUES ('vgs','features','universal','tenspot_multiplayerr
                       3 Query       INSERT INTO url (site,url1,url2,url3) 
VALUES ('vgs','features','universal','tenspot_soundtracksr
                       3 Query       INSERT INTO url (site,url1,url2,url3) 
VALUES ('vgs','guides','tpm_gg','35.html')
                       3 Query       INSERT INTO url (site,url1,url2,url3) 
VALUES ('vgs','features','index_strategyguides.html','')
010914 15:51:08       3 Query       LOCK TABLES pv WRITE
                       3 Query       LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'pageview.data' 
INTO TABLE pv (id,count,date)
010914 15:51:10       3 Query       UNLOCK TABLES

the application processes web site logs and stores them for report 
generation.  the SELECT is used to find out what urls are recorded for a 
given site.  the INSERTs create new URL records for those which aren't 
already known.  then i LOCK TABLES, LOAD DATA, and UNLOCK TABLES.  after 
several successful iterations, somehow the UNLOCK TABLES never finishes, 
and this prevents all further queries on any table, although i don't 
understand why.


# mysql
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 14 to server version: 3.23.42-log

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> connect page2;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

[at this point, the command line mysql is completely hung.]

here's what mysqladmin processlist shows:

| 11 | jsd  | loathing.gamespot.com | page2 | Query      | 548  | closing 
tables | UNLOCK TABLES                                     |
| 12 | jsd  | loathing.gamespot.com | page2 | Query      | 535  | 
statistics     | SELECT url1,url2,url3,id FROM url WHERE site='gs' |
| 15 | root | localhost             | page2 | Field List | 54   | Opening 
table  |                                                   |
| 19 | root | localhost             |       | Query      | 
0    |                | show processlist                                  |

mysqladmin shutdown does not work.  it reports the following:

010914 16:05:41  /space/mysql/bin/mysqld: Normal shutdown
010914 16:05:42  /space/mysql/bin/mysqld: Forcing close of thread 15  user: 
010914 16:05:42  /space/mysql/bin/mysqld: Forcing close of thread 12  user: 
010914 16:05:42  /space/mysql/bin/mysqld: Forcing close of thread 11  user: 

and returns to the shell - however, the mysqld is still running.  i have to 
kill -9 the mysqld, restart, and repair the tables.  mysqlcheck -A reports

mysql.columns_priv                                 OK
mysql.db                                           OK
mysql.func                                         OK
mysql.host                                         OK
mysql.tables_priv                                  OK
mysql.user                                         OK
warning  : 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table properly
status   : OK
warning  : 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table properly
warning  : Size of indexfile is: 25808896      Should be: 25645056
warning  : Size of datafile is: 9243510       Should be: 9073770
error    : Key in wrong position at page 2381824
error    : Corrupt
warning  : 1 clients is using or hasn't closed the table properly
status   : OK

i'm going to have to switch back to the 3.22 version of mysql for now.  any 
advice greatly appreciated.


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