We've had problems for a few months with corruption of a MyISAM table, 
when deleting many rows. The same setup/code didn't have problems under 
3.22.x but started when we switched to 3.23.x - we're now running 3.23.40.

The table is used by a mod_perl application serving webpages running on 
the same server as mysql. The only process writing to the table is an 
update script running on another server that runs about 5-6 times a day. 
All tables in the database holds two sets of information, so we can 
easily switch between new data and the previous set.

The update script does roughly the following:

    delete half the rows from all tables where version = 1
    insert the new data and set version = 1
    tell application to use the rows with the version nr. we just put in

About 2 -3 times a week this causes a corruption in the same table. The 
table holds about 14.000 rows in total, with the same amount of rows in 
each set.
We've generated a large amount of logs and there's no other funny 
queries running at the time of update. The problem always occur in the 
table "Specifikation" after we execute the following perlcode:

        $dbh->do("delete from Specifikation where version='$off'");

We suspect that the problem is related to the fact that we delete ~7000 
rows and inserts the same shortly thereafter. The mysql-manual mentions 
that you should run an "optimize table" after deleting many rows from a 
table, but doesn't list it as an requirement.

Any suggestions as to where the problem lies? Thanks.

Additonal info:
Table after crash

mysql> check table Specifikation;
| Table                       | Op    | Msg_type | Msg_text                   |
| DB_ProConsult.Specifikation | check | warning  | Table is marked as crashed |
| DB_ProConsult.Specifikation | check | error    | Found 13648 keys of 13983  |
| DB_ProConsult.Specifikation | check | error    | Corrupt                    |

Perl statements
     $dbh->do("delete from Relation where version='$off'");
     $dbh->do("delete from Relationstype where version='$off'");
     $dbh->do("delete from Specifikation where version='$off'");
     $dbh->do("delete from Link where version='$off'");

Server version
Server version          3.23.40
Protocol version        10
Connection              Localhost via UNIX socket
UNIX socket             /tmp/mysql.sock

Table desc
mysql> desc Specifikation;
| Field   | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| VareNr  | varchar(40)  |      | PRI |         |                |
| Type    | varchar(40)  |      | PRI |         |                |
| Tekst   | varchar(200) |      |     |         |                |
| version | int(11)      |      | PRI | 0       |                |
| idx     | int(11)      |      | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |

Med venlig hilsen


Tommy Davis,  Technical Director
Adapt A/S,  Havnegade 41, 2. sal,  1058 København K
Tel +45 3341 1050,  Fax +45 3341 1069,  http://www.adapt.dk/

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