The harm doesn't come from you offering something beneficial to the MySQL
community. It comes when you abuse the privileges of being on this list and
send spam. While there may not be anything in stone that says not to send
commercial software advertisements, you should know better. The only thing
that keeps spam from filling up the mailing lists is a slight sense of
ethical marketing behavior, and some people don't have that. <cough, cough>

If your product is that great, then you should be able to advertise the
normal ways (i.e. banner ads) and get overwhelming responses to them. If you
need to even ask where to begin with banner ads, then you should be studying
marketing and advertising, not sending out this stuff.

To anyone else that is doing or even contemplating doing something annoying:
People are only on this list to help and be helped. If you KNOW that what
you're sending out is going to bug someone else on the list, then don't send

- Jonathan

-----Original Message-----
From: Cathy Cunningham (Blue World Lasso Evangelist)
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 6:53 AM

At 11:06 PM -0500 10/17/01, David Dahl wrote:
>WOW, now you can BUY MySQL  from blueworld and run it on MacOS X and
>Windows 2000 only, or you can download the source code from MySQL and
>run it anywhere for free... hmmm... sounds great:)
>>Bill Adams writes:
>>>   Seriously, is there a better forum for announcing commerical products
>>>   this?  Perhaps on the portal secion of the site?  Or
>>>   else?
>>Abusing other instead of spending money on marketing
>>is not a very nice thing to do. And if all-caps are needed
>>to sell the product it probably shouldn't be sold at all.
>>The say that you can't blame someone for trying, but if
>>that really depends on what the person is trying to do.
>>Sorry if this came out as a pointless rant. I just got back
>>from the pub.

Sorry some of you find my use of all caps upsetting (I was simply 
copying the subject line from our PR, which like many uses all caps 
strictly as a convention in order for the subject to clearly stand 
out from the rest of the message). I'll be careful not to do that 
again here.

Also sorry that some object to commercial software manufacturers 
actually trying to inform people of what they have to offer to the 
MySQL community here.

We do cordially invite all of you to check out what we have to 
provide. We do believe we have something of considerable value, even 
to those who feel they can get comparable software for free. We 
simply believe we've got something better than PHP, JSP, ASP and 
ColdFusion. And, with MySQL built-in, it makes it very easy for folks 
who have yet to try MySQL to get going with it quick and easy.

We've licensed MySQL from MySQL AB, and, every unit of Lasso 
Professional 5 Standard Edition that we sell puts money in the pocket 
of MySQL AB. They are a business after all and need and appreciate 
revenue from software manufacturers who work with them within the 
confines of their embedded software licensing, distribution and 
trademark agreements.

I'm sure they don't want to see the MySQL community negatively react 
to any commercial software provider who tries to sell a version of 
MySQL as a value-added component of their product.

Hopefully many of you see this as a good thing which is good for 
MySQL AB and the MySQL community.

We're also bringing MySQL to markets in which it doesn't have yet as 
strong a presence. We also hope some of you see this as a good thing 
for the whole MySQL community.

Lastly, we're strong supporters of MySQL and and the company behind 
it, namely MySQL AB. In fact, we've contributed an affidavit to 
assist them with the legal wranglings their going through with 

So, please, cut us--and any other well-meaning company who simply is 
trying to run their business--some slack. In the end, if some of us 
earn some money while supporting the MySQL community and in turn we 
can share some of that with the company who started it all--namely, 
MySQL AB--then, I don't see how or why that's such a bad thing.

And lastly, for those who have inquired privately, while Lasso 
Professional 5 is available currently just on Windows 2000 and Mac OS 
X 10.1, we are planning a release for Red Hat Linux (Intel) soon. We 
currently provide a free version of Lasso for Linux, e.g. Lasso Lite 
3.6.5. We'll also have a free lite version of Lasso Professional 5 
available on all platforms it supports.

Thanks for allowing me to chime in an explain things a bit.


Cathy Cunningham                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lasso Evangelist
Blue World Communications, Inc.

Lasso Studio is "the easiest way to create a database-driven Web site"
        - Macworld Magazine

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