Dear Sir:
        I want to ask some questions about Redhat Linux+MySQL installation.
1.      At the Redhat Linux 6.2 opration system, I install MySQL database 3.23.43. 
Commands is as follws:
# cd /usr/local
# tar 每zxvf MySQL-3.23.443.tar.gz
# mv MySQL-3.23.43 /usr/local/MySQL
# cd /usr/local/MySQL
# ./configure 每prefix=/usr/local/MySQL
# make
# make install
Instalation Success;
2.      Then, I write a small program test.c to test the mysql database C API. The 
makefile is as follows:
# gcc 每I/usr/local/MySQL/include/MySQL 每c test.c
# gcc 每o test test.o 每L/usr/local/MySQL/lib/MySQL 每l/MySQLclient
Compile and link all success;
3.      But, when I run the program, error occurs. Error message is as follows:
# ./test: error in loading shared cannot open shared 
object file: No such file or directory
4.      I install MySQL Rpm Package in another computer. The version of Redhat Linux 
and MySQL is same as that mentioned previously. Instalation command is as follows:
# rpm 每i MySQL-3.23.43-1.i386.rpm  MySQL-client-3.23.43-1.i386.rpm 
MySQL-devel-3.23.43-1.i386.rpm MySQL-shared-3.23.43-1.i386.rpm
        I compile and link it with same makefile. This time, everything is OK.
        Because I want use Linux+MySQL+Apache+PHP in our system, I want install MySQL 
database with the first method. So I ask for helping as soon as possible. Thanks.

My E-mail address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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