Greetings - I believe I have a new flavor of this error.  I am running 
mysql  Ver 11.13 Distrib 3.23.36, for redhat-linux-gnu (i386) on Red Hat 
Linux release 7.0 (Guinness) Kernel 2.4.2-2smp on an i686 (the database 
host) I have two machines running mysql  Ver 11.12 Distrib 3.23.32, for 
redhat-linux-gnu (i386) on Red Hat Linux release 7.0 (Guinness) Kernel 
2.2.16-22 on an i586 (the client hosts) The 586 boxes are running ICRADIUS 
version 0.17b build Feb  1 2001 which (used to) connect through a Perl DBI 
interface.  One of the client machines is connected on a full duplex 
100MBps Fast Ethernet network, the second of the two is connected through 
dual frame relay T1's to our router and then through the Fast Ethernet.  
When RADIUS starts it continually tries to connect to the 686 database 
host.  The .err file starts generating error messages similar to:

011127  4:39:31  Aborted connection 9961 to db: 'radius' user: 'radius' 
host: `' (Got an error reading communication packets)

Now for the new stuff --

If I attempt to connect to the database host via the mysql command line 
client with the same username and password it works from both the local and 
remote hosts.  I can see the databases, select the desired database and run 
queries with expected results.

I also use the database host to authenticate my mail users using pam_mysql 
and this works fine.  This machine is running mysql  Ver 11.12 Distrib 
3.23.32, for redhat-linux-gnu (i386) on Red Hat Linux release 7.0 (Guinness)
Kernel 2.2.19pre16ext3 on a 2-processor i686  It is connected on the same 
switched Fast Ethernet.

I've searched the mail archives and found some answers indicating that the 
full duplex connection is the issue.  This setup has worked perfectly for 
over a year on the existing hardware.  We first started having issues with 
the remote machine (the one on the other end of the frame relay T1's)  In 
an effort to fix that machine I restarted mysql on the database host 
(several times :-/ )  After the first restart the local machine (the one 
directly connected to the Fast Ethernet) started generating the same 
errors.  To my knowledge the server and client configurations have not 
changed.  I have power cycled all the affected equipment (database host, 
client host and the intervening Fast Ethernet Switch) all with no effect.  
I also tried upping the connect_timeout and net_read_timeout, again, with 
no effect.  In an effort to get my system back up I tried ftp'ing the 
radius database files from the database host to the client host and use the 
local server.  The local server also generates pretty much the same message:

011127  5:02:25  Aborted connection 211 to db: 'radius' user: 'radius' 
host: `localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)  

I'm pretty sure that I *DON'T* have a network problem as I can telnet among 
the hosts just fine and I can connect to the web interface of ICRADIUS and 
see the same sad story in the logs.  The ftp of some very large files (52MB 
and 92MB) ran normally with a consistent 840K/s transfer rate.  I'm running 
out of rabbits here and didn't find the fix in the 223 hits that searching 
the mail list archives for "Error reading communication packets" will 
return.  I thought I'd submit this to the list for your consideration.  My 
users will be waking up soon and the are *NOT* going to be happy that they 
can't login.  *ANY* assistance would be greatly appreciated.  I'd prefer 
not to recompile this stuff...after all it worked before and restarted just 
fine *THREE* times last week...but I won't go into that <1/2g>   Please 
reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as I am not subscribed to the list.  A virtual 
beverage to the clever person with the clue.  Thank you, in advance, for 
your assistance.


PS.  I'm off to to try the same search as suggested in one of the 
posts to this list.

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