You've failed to close your prepare() statements with finish()

See the perldoc on DBI again.

Jaime Teng wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been pulling my hair due to this annoying error. x(
> ****************************************************************************
> DBI::db=HASH(0x1d2998c)->disconnect invalidates 1 active statement handle
> (either destroy statement handles or call finish on them before
> disconnecting)
> at C:\WEBSITE\script\ line 721.
> ****************************************************************************
> It is a Perl CGI script and at line 721 is a simple disconnect command:
> 721 $DBH->disconnect;
> 722
> 723 binmode STDOUT;
> 724 print "Content-type: text/html\cM\cJ";
> 725 print "Content-length: ",length($HTTP),"\cM\cJ";
> 726 print "\cM\cJ";
> 727 print $HTTP;
> The error message is straight forward and means that I have an open
> mySQL handle that is not closed; example:
> $sth=$DBH->prepare("SELECT ......");
> $sth->execute;
> $DBH->disconnect;   <--- should have been a fetch before disconnect.
> But I am dead sure I have a result collector:
> $sth=$DBH->prepare("SELECT ......");
> $sth->execute;
> $result = $sth->fetchrow;
> I only use three functions: prepare, execute and fetchrow.
> For all intents and purposes, I have reviewed the script line per line
> and even made sure that each select will give only one result by adding
> "LIMIT 1"
> $sth=$DBH->prepare("SELECT ...... LIMIT 1");
> arrrrrggggggggg!
> I am Perl built 626 on win2000. Mysql 3.23.37
> I have encountered this kind of errors on Linux+Apache before and I solved it
> via:
> $sth=$DBH->prepare("SELECT ......LIMIT 1");
> $sth->execute;
> while ( $result = $sth->fetchrow ) {1};
> It appeared to me that even if only one result is to be expected, mysql
> would throw more than one. or is this a problem with DBD-Mysql module?
> regards,
> Jaime
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