Sorry I confused read lock with locks that prevent other threads to read.

This is what I meant :

I have web sites where there are periodic inserts (& deletes ) of many 
new records generated by crawlers.

In order to reduce the # of queries I do compound operations like  
INSERT VALUES(a),(b),(c), and DELETE FROM table WHERE record_id IN 

At the same as these operations are occurring users are doing queries on 
these tables.

I've noticed that during these long compound operations  SELECT queries 
seem to be slow as if the tables can't be read by other threads. Does 
this sound like what is happening ?

If so to prevent tables from being locked in a way that other threads 
can't read should I :

a) return to single INSERT and DELETE operations & suffer the query 
overhead for each single operation ?


b) if I do INSERT and DELETE with LOW_PRIORITY with a compound operation 
does that mean that tables won't get locked & prevent other threads from 
reading ? Will that result in INSERTs or DELETEs being spread over time 
such that SELECTs could potentially get different counts over that 
spread of time ?


c) something else ?

> I have web sites where there are periodic inserts (& deletes ) of many 
> new records generated by crawlers.
> In order to reduce the # of queries I do compound operations like  
> INSERT VALUES(a),(b),(c), and DELETE FROM table WHERE record_id IN 
> At the same as these operations are occurring users are doing queries 
> on these tables.
> I've noticed that during these long compound operations  SELECT queries 
> seem to be slow as if the tables are read locked. Does this sound like 
> what is happening ?
> If so to prevent tables from being locked should I :
> a) return to single INSERT and DELETE operations & suffer the query 
> overhead for each single operation ?
> or
> b) if I do INSERT and DELETE with LOW_PRIORITY with a compound 
> operation does that mean that tables won't get locked ? Will that 
> result in INSERTs or DELETEs being spread over time such that SELECTs 
> could potentially get different counts over that spread of time ?
> or
> c) something else ?

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