Rob@TH wrote:

> Hmm still nothing :/
> Any other possibilities?

[ Selecting a random entry from a database ]

Generally this is a hard problem. Ordering by rand() is really wasteful 
because the DB has to select *all* entries, order them, and then pick one.

There are more efficient solutions available if you know the domain of the 
problem well. E.g. if you use an auto-increment column as a primary key, 
you can do something like (two steps here):

    select max(pk), min(pk) from table;

    <in your app, select a random value between the two>

    select * from table
    where pk >= randval - fudge
      and pk <= randval + fudge
    limit 1;

(This fudge is to handle the case of holes in the primary key sequencing). 
It works relatively satisfactorily as a randomizer, unless you are 
interested in mathematically precise random distributions (:-/).

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