
I tried with 3.23.47, and the script did not fail.

The assertion failure means that adding of a foreign key constraint fails
because of some error number which should not happen.

You could modify and recompile MySQL so that mysql/innobase/dict0crea.c,
line 1237, would print the error code:

printf("Error code %lu\n", error);

But this may also be a compiler bug. Please try with a binary from
www.mysql.com and with a freshly created empty database. Does it still fail?


Innobase Oy
See http://www.innodb.com for the latest news about InnoDB
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>At run of a script there is an error and the server falls. The script, 
>the log file and my configuration follow.Client output:
>#mysql -p USTAT < test.sqlPassword:
>ERROR 2013 at line 22: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
>-------------------------- begin script --------------------------
>drop table if exists CARDS;create table CARDS (
>     NUM       SMALLINT     unsigned not null,
>     FIRM      VARCHAR(132)          not null default '',
>     NAME      VARCHAR(80)           not null default '',
>     CEMAIL    VARCHAR(80)           not null default '',
>     NOTES     VARCHAR(255)          not null default '',     primary key (NUM)
>) TYPE = InnoDB;drop table if exists DOMAINS;create table DOMAINS(
>     ID        MEDIUMINT    unsigned not null,
>     NUM       SMALLINT     unsigned not null, index DOMAINS_NUM (NUM),
>     DOMAIN    VARCHAR(80)           not null,
>     foreign key (NUM) references CARDS(NUM),     primary key (ID)
>) TYPE = InnoDB;drop table if exists LOGINS;create table LOGINS(
>     ID        MEDIUMINT    unsigned not null,
>     NUM       SMALLINT     unsigned not null, index LOGINS_NUM(NUM),
>     LOGIN     CHAR(33)              not null, index LOGINS_LOGIN(LOGIN),
>     MAXSES    TINYINT      unsigned not null default 0,
>     MAXDAY    MEDIUMINT    unsigned not null default 0,
>     MAXWEEK   MEDIUMINT    unsigned not null default 0,
>     MAXMON    MEDIUMINT    unsigned not null default 0,
>     MAXTOTAL  INT          unsigned not null default 0,
>     foreign key (NUM) references CARDS(NUM),     primary key (ID)
>) TYPE = InnoDB;
-------------------------- end script --------------------------
>-------------------------- begin error log --------------------------
>011214 14:28:38  mysqld restarted011214 14:28:39  InnoDB: Started
>/usr/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections
>InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 12299 in file dict0crea.c line 1237
>InnoDB: We intentionally generate a memory trap.
>InnoDB: Send a detailed bug report to [EMAIL PROTECTED] got
signal 11;

mysql> drop table if exists CARDS;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> create table CARDS (
    ->      NUM       SMALLINT     unsigned not null,
    ->      FIRM      VARCHAR(132)          not null default '',
    ->      NAME      VARCHAR(80)           not null default '',
    ->      CEMAIL    VARCHAR(80)           not null default '',
    ->      NOTES     VARCHAR(255)          not null default '',     primary key
    -> ) TYPE = InnoDB;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> drop table if exists DOMAINS;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> create table DOMAINS(
    ->      ID        MEDIUMINT    unsigned not null,
    ->      NUM       SMALLINT     unsigned not null, index DOMAINS_NUM (NUM),
    ->      DOMAIN    VARCHAR(80)           not null,
    ->      foreign key (NUM) references CARDS(NUM),     primary key (ID)
    -> ) TYPE = InnoDB;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)

mysql> drop table if exists LOGINS;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> create table LOGINS(
    ->      ID        MEDIUMINT    unsigned not null,
    ->      NUM       SMALLINT     unsigned not null, index LOGINS_NUM(NUM),
    ->      LOGIN     CHAR(33)              not null, index LOGINS_LOGIN(LOGIN),
    ->      MAXSES    TINYINT      unsigned not null default 0,
    ->      MAXDAY    MEDIUMINT    unsigned not null default 0,
    ->      MAXWEEK   MEDIUMINT    unsigned not null default 0,
    ->      MAXMON    MEDIUMINT    unsigned not null default 0,
    ->      MAXTOTAL  INT          unsigned not null default 0,
    ->      foreign key (NUM) references CARDS(NUM),     primary key (ID)
    -> ) TYPE = InnoDB;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)

mysql> show table status from test like 'DOMAINS';
| Name    | Type   | Row_format | Rows | Avg_row_length | Data_length | Max_data
_length | Index_length | Data_free | Auto_increment | Create_time | Update_time
| Check_time | Create_options | Comment
| DOMAINS | InnoDB | Dynamic    |    0 |              0 |       16384 |
   NULL |        16384 |         0 |           NULL | NULL        | NULL
| NULL       |                | InnoDB free: 137216 kB; (NUM) REFER test/CARDS(N
UM) |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show table status from test like 'LOGINS';
| Name   | Type   | Row_format | Rows | Avg_row_length | Data_length | Max_data_
length | Index_length | Data_free | Auto_increment | Create_time | Update_time |
 Check_time | Create_options | Comment
| LOGINS | InnoDB | Fixed      |    0 |              0 |       16384 |
  NULL |        32768 |         0 |           NULL | NULL        | NULL        |
 NULL       |                | InnoDB free: 137216 kB; (NUM) REFER test/CARDS(NU
M) |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)


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